Chapter Seventeen: So Much For The Plan

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"Captain's Log, Supplemental,

Voyager is on an intercept course with the Borg Sphere; its course hasn't changed since we first detected it, which hopefully means it has yet to consider our approach noteworthy. The Doctor and our Engineering department have been working tirelessly to adjust our energy signature, and we've cut power to all nonessential systems. With any luck, that will be enough.

Although the Doctor seems completely confident in his plan, and Picard is claiming full faith in him, something tells me that I'm not being told everything. Certainly, while the plan seems reasonable on the surface- as reasonable as trying to break into the Borg Collective's subspace network could be- I'm not entirely convinced. For one, the Doctor has made repeated requests not to be accompanied by any security personnel, something that seems unnecessarily reckless.

For another, I can't help but question why he needs our ship in the first place; Picard suggested that his TARDIS has the ability to transport through energy shields, solid matter... could it not just take him where he needed to go? The Doctor has insisted it is to be certain the Borg cannot assimilate it... but the fact that it's in my shuttle bay just makes Voyager feel like too much of a target.

I've been weighing the risks of this plan against the potential gain, and though the circumstances are not ideal, I can't deny the benefit this could bring... to the Federation at large, and to our voyage home. I can just hope that this decision, and this course, doesn't cut that voyage short."

She considered continuing, but her Ready Room door chimed a second later.

"End log," Janeway instructed curtly before calling; "Come."

The Doctor stepped in, sonic screwdriver twirling between his fingers as he glanced around the Ready Room with the brief interest he seemed to have in pretty much everything. Janeway, for her part, didn't speak first, allowing the Doctor to satisfy his curiosity until her guest finally turned his slightly confused gaze towards her.

"You wished to see me, Captain?" the Time Lord asked, hands now sliding on his pockets, brow raised.

"I did," Janeway replied, setting down the PADD. "How are the modifications coming along?"

"Oh, swimmingly," came the chipper- too chipper?- reply, the Doctor's shoulders shifting in a carefree shrug as he gave her a boyish smile. "Your crew, grand bunch, follow instructions to a 't' when needed, minimum of fussing about. We'll be more'n ready by the time we reach the Sphere, you have my word on that."

"Lieutenant Torres tells me the conduit modifications are impressive work," Janeway replied, settling onto her chair with a casual air that rather immediately put the Time Lord on alert. "But you haven't made any modifications to our shields, engines, or weapons."

"Well, me and weapons..." the Doctor's hand waggled in an uncertain gesture.

"I understand your distaste for them," Janeway replied, spreading her hands, still sounding perfectly reasonable. "But if we're not able to get close enough to the Sphere without triggering a hostile response, if your camouflage doesn't work-"

The Doctor interjected, looking a bit annoyed. "It will."

"If it doesn't," she continued, a bit of an edge creeping into her tone. "Then this entire ship is going to be put at risk; we can likely evade the Sphere, maybe even destroy it, but without a significant tactical advantage, we'll have no means to disable it just enough to accomplish your objective."

"As I said," came the stubborn reply as the Doctor lifted a single admonishing finger, "it will work."

There was a long, tense moment as Janeway stared at him, clearly not putting much faith in the Doctor's assurances. Finally, she gave a single, curt nod, but when the Doctor turned to leave, she lifted a hand to stop him.

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