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This book is rated MATURE because it contains sensible subjects such as suicide and self harm. You've been warned.
       C O P Y  R I G H T

All rights reserved. 
No part of this book shall be reproduced, scanned or copied by any means without the author's consent except for the case of brief quotation.


   I N S P I R A T I O N

All chapters are the production of the author's imagination and own work.
Any resemblance to any other work is entirely coincidental except for the mention of inspiration by songs, movies or other books.


W H Y   I   S T A R T E D   T H I S  B O O K ?

It's an escape from our reality, a way to turn my negativity into something more creative and useful, and to let people like me, know that they are never alone, and that there's nothing wrong in being diffrent, a dreamer, a believer in a better world.

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