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—what am isupposed to do?

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—what am i
supposed to do?



there are three instances in which jung hoseok believes he is crazy.

the first is two days prior as he watches the news (it's a nightly ritual; just because he's a coffee boy doesn't mean he can't be a detective himself, too), eyes affixed to the screen with severity to outmatch anyone else. it's a frankly creepy story—some morbid subway crash, the cause unknown, with casualties to beat the most recent headlines.

he does, in fact, see the strange-looking boy in the video. and he does find it a bit strange that no one on the news program is paying any attention to him.

the second is a day after, a gloomy excuse of a thursday, when hoseok is lazily filling a few cups of coffee for namjoon's coworkers. he overhears a familiar conversation between a woman in ironed slacks and a man with lanky, disproportionate arms.

"a shame, really." the woman tucks a curly piece of hair behind her ear. "honestly, what is the police doing these days? how on earth do you not know the cause of a piece of machinery that size to explode?"

hoseok pushes back the urge to roll his eyes, because—well, it's kind of the detective agency's responsibility to be solving things like this.

"right! honestly, and that footage they played? what use was that to show? there was nothing but flames in that video." the man scoffs and fiddles with the hem of his tie pretentiously. "i swear, this city is doomed with security like this."

hoseok furrows his eyebrows together in confusion, holding the misty coffee cup in tense hands. incertitude builds up in his lungs as he walks to the pair of workers, lip tucked between his teeth, but he's already too curious to back out.

"hey, hi," hoseok greets abruptly, ignoring the irritated glares he's given, "um, you guys were talking about that, that video? the one on the news?"

"and your point?" says the man, voice unconcerned.

"i mean, just—you guys saw that man in the video, right? don't you think he's a little shady?"

hypothetically, it seems impossible for the conversation to get anymore awkward; but it does as a span of silence falls between the three, the woman persistent in her glaring and the man refusing to even glance at hoseok.

"a guy?" the woman finally speaks, and hoseok breaths again.

"um, yeah, he—he was wearing that weird hat thing, y'know? and a really baggy shirt?" hoseok forces a meager grin. "kinda shady, huh?"

"i," the man takes a deep breath and strokes his tie again, "have no clue what you're going on about, kid."

"i think you've got the wrong headline," says the woman airily, picking at a manicured nail. "now, those coffee cups, do you think you could fill mine real quick—"

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