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  — "i want things to bebetter than before!"

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  — "i want things to be
better than before!"



"um, namjoon. would it be possible to...hang out as a group tonight? at my apartment? just the seven of us, since tae has been with mrs. kim and jae the whole of today?"

"sure, i don't see why not. most of us don't have work on the weekends. is taehyung up for it?"

"he's the one who asked. i'm not sure about the rest of the group, though."

"if taehyung is free, they're all free. we haven't seen you both much lately, anyway."

"yeah...it's just been—yeah. i know."

"it's alright, jimin. is there any occasion in specific? you want to talk about society-related things, or—"

"we just...want to be with you guys before we go to the warehouse tomorrow. once m—just to ease our nerves. before we leave. you know?"


so here they are, squeezed together on the floor of jimin's living room, fleece blankets bunched between themselves and the various boxes of slightly-too-greasy pizza and opened cans of sodas littered all around. it feels like halloween night all over again—fortunately with the addition of taehyung—, something that seems far away from today despite it only being two weeks. time passes weirdly nowadays, namjoon has noticed. as they mindlessly blabber and sit together, the nights of the city flashing artificial light through jimin's balcony door screen, namjoon realizes dully that tomorrow they will be at the warehouse seeing abraxas. and finally, after what has felt like centuries (which, in a sense, it has been), they might end this once and for all.

"in all honesty, being a coffee boy hasn't really helped me," hoseok admits, downing the rest of his soda. seokjin and yoongi sit on either side of him, and jeongguk lays in a contorted (but seemingly comfortable, by the contentment on his face) position along the sofa. taehyung and jimin are attached by the shoulder as always, and unlike the previous night—and the stretch of silent days before—they're talkative and expressive, just how they'd been when they all first talked in useol. 

there are moments namjoon catches taehyung glancing around almost longingly at each of them. he doesn't fully understand why.

"i mean yeah, i get to see how the establishment works, talk with clients, get advice from hired investigators and journalists—well, get advice from namjoon,"  he corrects, laughing. "joon's the only one who actually talks to me."

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