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  — "everything is outof my control!"

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  — "everything is out
of my control!"



"taehyung. taehyung, deep breaths."

he's sweating. gasping for air. on the verge of tears. from his expression and demeanor, it's the symptoms of someone who's just woken up from a harsh nightmare. seokjin knows the feeling. he's handled far too many nightmares (though his can never compete with taehyung's, he's sure of it); leaving a nightmare is like leaving a dark, swirling ocean, straining for oxygen once you reach the surface.

clearly, seokjin realizes with a numb pain, taehyung's coma was far from peaceful.

"alright, kiddo," jae soothes, rubbing his shoulders consolingly. taehyung's breaths begin to slow, swallowing shakily and softly breathing out a few unintelligible words. "it's okay, look at me, look at me? i'm here. linnie's here. mom—" she points to mrs. kim— "and seokjin too, we're all here, okay?" she turns to the latter. "where's the nurse? get a doctor, quick!"

stumbling from his seat, seokjin nods quickly and pushes past the door. he can hear the muffled, strained words mrs. kim utters next, holding onto her son's cheek and nodding bittersweetly when he whispers a small "mom" into the air.

soon after the doctor enters taehyung's room, fixing his glasses, seokjin sends a singular text to the five others:

he's up. come quick.


taehyung greets seokjin along with hoseok, jimin, and namjoon when they arrive with urgent embraces, grinning into their shoulders and laughing at their witty remarks ("took you long enough, i've been using your netflix account the entire time you were asleep"). his voice is raspy from lack of use, but eventually enough he regains his tone. for a moment, they forget everything behind them. they focus only on taehyung and those in the room.

then the moment is gone, and the doctor brings them back to the situation.

"t-two weeks?" taehyung says. "i've been asleep for more than two weeks?"

"we honestly thought it would be longer," mrs. kim admits, clasping his hands together. jimin has an arm slung over taehyung's shoulder, careful to give the doctor standing in the corner a sharp glare (he and the nurses wouldn't give taehyung a single second to breathe after he had woken up, instead performing countless medical tests and asking barrages of easy, obvious questions "to asses his sensory nerves and ability"). "the doctors weren't sure when you'd wake up."

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