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  —how is he stillawake?

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—how is he still



three days after meeting jeongguk, two days after yoongi is released from the hospital, and one day after jimin finally allows the others a peek at taehyung's old adidas, seokjin swears that kim taehyung is playing tricks on his brain.

it starts when he decides to read the newspaper from namjoon's jacket after days of procrastination (more like reluctance, in all honesty, and it's pretty obvious considering the fact that he's the last one to read the article). seokjin is at home after a long—and extremely difficult, since his manager wasn't exactly too happy with his employee missing three consecutive days of work—shift, even including a few hours of street-side singing, feet on his shabby desk and body utterly depleted.

and likewise, he can't bother namjoon and all the others. they've got their own agendas making up lost work shifts, missed college classes, get togethers with worried friends and phone calls from protective family members. all six of them have been swamped up to their chins with workloads over the past few days. and yet, seokjin has no problem continuing to find taehyung and bring him back. it's strange.

he sits up and sighs, pulling out his rugged laptop—a shabby, but well appreciated, gift from one of his former bosses. tucked into the laptop's case is the newspaper from a week back, manila ends wilting at the sides and old ink blurring against the pages.

seokjin grimaces as he reads the article, wetting his lips and furrowing his eyebrows.

"shit, that's graphic," he mutters.

he flips through the newspaper with lazy eyes, thumbing through the pages and over boring articles, sighing as he finds himself right back at the front page. as he stares at the daunting, bold words of taehyung's headline, seokjin feels his head begins to swim.

"fuck," he mutters, leaning back into his chair with a squeak. it doesn't make sense. how would this newspaper, the one which somehow disappeared from namjoon's desk weeks before with a paperweight in pieces, wind up randomly in his jacket days later?

kim taehyung, maybe. and it isn't be a long shot to assume so. he was there at the scene—exploding cars and growing talons, but nevertheless he was there—, and it wouldn't be incredulous to assume he has the capability to pull of a stunt like that.

but that's the thing.

"the kid was trying to kill us, not help us," seokjin whispers, rocking his chair. "christ, which side are you on, taehyung?"

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