Chapter 3, Boys Meet

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Erza's Pov, 

I was moving through the forest with my son at my side. "I wonder what it is in here that has hurt and took so many of Uncle Natsu's soldiers" Reiki soon spoke as I did also wonder. No one ever knew what was in these woods. No one had ever seen anything or anyone but somehow always got attacked, killed or taken. I soon felt a dark aura and powerful power coming toward me and Reiki. I moved in front of him as soon Acnologia was standing in front of us. Pure rage and bloodlust in his eyes.

I felt my own dark aura growing. I had been training the past seven years, even while pregnant. I kept training so one day I could beat him and save my best friend. "The angel" he spoke as I made a giant glowing black sword show in my hands. "Acnologia you will free Lucy Heartfilla at once" I nearly shouted as his dark aura got worse. His power rising even more. I was in pure shock. He was much more powerful than he was seven years ago. How could he get this powerful? "Reiki go" I nearly shouted.

I knew this fight could kill me but I couldn't let Acnologia touch my own son. "What?" Reiki asked confused I turned my head to see him. He had my hair but a little darker, he had his fathers dark brown eyes unlike my bright brown ones. He was wearing a black coat with a red top, he also had blue bottoms. Reiki had a tattoo much like his fathers over his left eye. I smiled at him. "You need to find Lucy and her child" I soon answered his question. "Count on me" he nearly shouted rushing off ahead. I then turned my head glaring at Acnologia.

"You bring a boy into this place?" he asked as there was a hint of confusion in his voice. I smirked slightly. "Reiki has more power than most people alive" I spoke pointing the glowing sword toward Acnologia. "We are to duel" I nearly shouted as Acnologia had no emotion on his face anymore. We soon rushed toward each other both ready to die in this fight. Reiki. I am putting my full trust on you. Reiki.... Bring Lucy home.... Bring her back to Natsu...

Meanwhile, Nash's Pov, 

Sky soon showed me her fairy wings as I couldn't help but stare at them with 'awe'. They was basically see through but they had a hint of black with small glowing parts came off the wings. "Your mother sounds like an old friend of mine" Sky had a sad smile on her face. I looked at her a little confused as she made her wings vanished. "Her name was Anna" Sky soon looked toward the lake water as I just kept quiet looking at her. I could tell memories were playing in her mind. Her eyes had joy and sadness growing in them.

"Anna had fallen for a demon and became his mate, she couldn't became a demon with this mark as she wasn't just a normal human... She was the Fairy Queen who was forced to go to Earthland to protect her bloodline" Sky soon explained as there was sadness in her voice. She soon looked toward me, her sad smile growing slightly. "You remind me of her, how you explain your mother, she does also" Sky's soon sad smile turned into a happy one as I got up onto my feet. 

"Well how about we find your friend?" I asked as she looked at me a little shocked before smiling walking toward me. She placed her hand on my shoulder. "She died many years ago thanks to a set of demons who poisoned her" Sky soon answered as I was shocked. I soon looked away at the ground. "I'm sorry" I whispered knowing my question must of hurt her feelings. Sky kissed my forehead. "I am glad to have meet someone so much like my old friend" she spoke getting me to look at her.

Soon there was an explosion close by making me turn around to see blue smoke coming from a part of the forest. "Grandfather" I whispered being able to sense his power from where I was. Mother must of sent him after me. If he found me with Sky he would of hurt her. "I have to be sent to him, he will hurt you and your town if he sees me with you" I looked at Sky who looked at me and then toward the smoke. "I won't let Acnologia get another set of Heartfilla's killed" she spoke confusing me.

Killed? He got someone from my family killed? Soon there was some noise coming from the bushes. Soon a young boy came to our opening. He had dark red hair and dark brown eyes. He had some strange tattoo over his left eye as I looked at him confused. "Sky who is that?" I soon asked as she looked at the young boy. I could sense both vampire and angel power coming off the guy. He looked around my age. "Acnologia is most likely after him, we must get you to safety" Sky soon spoke looking at me.

"We ain't leaving him here to die" I spoke as she was shocked for a second but soon smiled. I must of been reminding her of her friend again. "Boy what is your name?" she asked as the kid looked at us confused as you could hear he was out of breath. "Reiki Fernandes" he soon answered as Sky nodded. "Come with us unless you want to die by Acnologia's hands" Sky spoke as she walked ahead, walking back toward the tree top village. "HEY WAIT UP" I shouted running to her side. She was walking faster than normal pace.

Soon Reiki showed up next to me. "Hey there I'm Nash" I offered my hand with my toothy smile. Reiki was shocked but smile shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you, who's the boss?" Reiki soon asked as I heard Sky give off a 'tisk'. She didn't like being called that it seemed. "She's Sky" I answered as Reiki nodded. I turned my head to see some black blast go flying into the sky. I was shocked seeing it. It was a very powerful blast. Someone was fighting my grandfather. I hoped that they knew to get the heck out of there.

"Reiki you are the Vampire King's son are you not?" Sky soon asked shocking me very much as she turned her head to see Reiki. I looked at him as he nodded. "Woah that's cool" I spoke looking at him. Much excitement in my voice. "Never meet a vampire before Nash?" Sky asked as I shook my head. "Nope, but he ain't just a vampire though" I soon pointed out as Sky looked at me confused but Reiki looked at me shocked. "You can sense my angel side?" he asked as I nodded looking at him.

"Even I couldn't sense that" Sky sounded shocked. "How did you sense that?" Reiki soon asked excitement in his voice this time. "I dunno, just did" I answered with the pure truth as we kept moving toward the tree top village.


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  This changed my view on my father. I couldn't even think about what he had done. I knew if I was in his shoes I would of done the same but somehow Acnologia still got free. Mard Geer must of been the one to free him. If his mate was killed and his child was in Earthland and never knew about anything of her father it was impossible for his bloodline to return. I soon heard a knock on my door as I looked up. "Come in" I nearly shouted as I was shocked to see Jellal and Gray come into my office. Gray closing the door behind him.  

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