Chapter 13 (g/male)

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   Today is the day. Ponies are lined up at the starting line, stretching, talking, waiting for the signal to start the Running of the Leaves. Nearby you, you can see Rainbow Dash and Applejack, eyeing each other competitively with a fire glowing in their eyes you've seen many of times before. Fluttershy is to your left, looking at the dirt path quietly. Pinkie Pie is the Eye in the Sky in her hot air balloon, directly above you. Someone nudges you from behind, and when you turn to look, Twilight is standing there with a smile on her face. "You'll do great. No need to be nervous."
   She was right. You were nervous. You chuckle lightly in response though, nodding, "Thank you." Your nerves do seem to calm now that you know everyone is there for you, all the friends that you've made over the course of your staying here.
   You look up, seeing Spike with one of those blank-bullet guns pointed to the sky. Beside him stood the Mayor of Ponyville. "On your marks!" The mare called with a grin.
   Everypony ducked into position, looking at the road now.
   "Get set!" She called again. You take a deep breath. This is all just for fun.
   Spike looks at her patiently, then fires the fake gun, and the blow sends everypony's hooves stomping onto the ground. They're heading for the finish line, and you are too.
You run quickly to avoid bumping into anypony, as the group begins to split apart as some run ahead and others fall behind. You can catch a glimpse of Fluttershy jogging near a brown stallion, and Twilight farther up ahead.
The wind is unusually nice, running through your mane and filling your lungs with quick, timed breaths. The ground below you is dusty in some places and softer in others, muddy at times. You're used to shoes, but feeling the ground with what now is your own feet makes you feel closer to the earth, closer to this earth. You don't realize the smile on your face as you study the area around you- and you also don't notice that you're steadily pulling ahead of lots of other ponies.
After a while, you realize that you're alone. The trail is long and whether there are more ponies ahead of you than behind you or vice versa, there's time for you to look around and see the sights even more so than when you began. You see the sun breaking through the autumn leaves and dappling the ground, as you trot past a puddle of sparkling blue water. You can hear Pinkie Pie cheering something from her hot air balloon above you, her voice happy and cheerful, but muffled over the sound of the wind and the birds. Your heart is fluttering, as you begin to pick up the pace again. You want to see your friends at the finish line. You want to tell them how happy you are, finally, and how much you want to thank them, especially Twilight, for accepting you here. You just want to see their smiles, and.. and what true friendship finally feels like.
"(Y/N)!" You hear behind you. A pink mare with light green hair trots to your side, "Don't stop and smell the roses now, you're ahead!" She grins, and continues on her journey. You didn't even know her- but she knew you.
You chuckle, and began running again, hooves pounding the ground in a 1-2-3 tempo.

Ahead, Rainbow Dash and Applejack have probably made it to the finish line already. Pinkie Pie is still up in her hot air balloon, watching the rest of the ponies run. You're ahead of Fluttershy; you don't remember seeing her pass you after you passed her. But where is Twilight?
You begin to hear ponies chattering past the trees, sounding like the end of the road for this race. Leaves begin falling around you in plenties, and you step over the orange and red colors, pulling yourself out of the trees to see lots- but not near all- of the racers that made it to the finish line.
You made it.
Your heart soars, and you cheer a "Woohoo!" aloud as you pass ponies, going to find your friends. You see Rainbow Dash and Applejack ahead, so you quickly run to them.
Out of breath you say, "I made it! I can't believe I did, but I really- I really-.." you're cut off by their expressions of obvious discontent, even with the silver metals hanging from their necks.
"What?" You ask quietly.
"(Y/N), Twilight's-" Applejack begins, but is cut off by a very regal voice that booms, "(Y/N)."
You spin around, to see a white princess staring down at you, Twilight hunkered over in shame at her side. "Let's talk," Princess Celestial says quietly. You feel your heart raise up into your throat.
This seemed like the end of your journey.

(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now