Intro (both g/s)

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It was at an early age that you realized you weren't normal. Ponies laughed at you. See, that right there was the problem. You weren't a pony. No one was. You were a delusional g/s (gender or sex) that watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

At that time, in the good ripe years of age 12, you were a loser. Bullies were inevitable.

But ponies kept you sane. The friendship on the screen that they had told you that it would be okay. Somehow, you would find friends like that, and it would all be okay.

Its the present day. You come home, sit your bag down beside the door, and kick your shoes off. Walking bare footed, you go to your room. There's a little brown box on your desk. Well, that's odd.

You walk to the box and look at it. On the front, there's a piece of paper that says, "I know how much you like my little pony, so here's a gift. Love, mom."

That's odd as well. Even more so. Since when did your mother support your interest in MLP?

You slowly open the box and look through the packing peanuts. Suddenly, your fingertips touch something smooth and metallic. You pull it out and lay it on top of the packing peanuts. Its a weird amulet, kind of like the one Twilight Sparkle wore in the Magic Duel episode.

You stare down at it. What are you supposed to do with this? The collar looks so small, that it could choke you.

You slowly pick the necklace up, wrapping it around your neck, and then letting it hang there. Okay. So you have a necklace.

Suddenly, you get a piercing headache. Your eyes widen, and you whole body feels odd. The necklace on your neck begins to get really hot, burning and chafing your collar bone.

You sit down at your desk, doubled over in pain. Suddenly, you taste blood. You feel something dripping down your lips.

The pain begins to get unbearable, and you feel yourself blacking out.

The last thing you remember, is your chin hitting the burning hot amulet.

(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now