Chapter 2 (g/fem)

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   "It.. Worked? What worked?" Spike asks. That's odd. Usually the right hand Dragon knows everything Twilight does.

   "That amulet. With the help of Zecora, and my magic, I created a device in which the wearer- it must be a human or it doesn't work- comes to Ponyville! It was supposed to send her to my basement, but.." Twilight taps her hoof to her chin. "Oh well. You're here, right?"

   You nod slowly.

   "Does Celestia know about this?" Asks the purple Dragon, his brow furrowed in worry.

    Twilight blanks, and then shrugs, "Well-l-l... I don't think she'll mind," she lies.

   You sit up more, and then stand. This is all very confusing. Maybe this alicorn will explain more.

   "Alright, Miss y/n! Your job is to make as many friends as possible. Blend in, look natural. Fluttershy, Spike- you get to be at this mare's side, all day, until she gets back here." Twilight says, using her magic to obtain a clipboard. She gives it to a shocked Spike.

   "But why?" Spike asks.

   "Its an.. Experiment. Yes." Twilight nods. "I want to see if y/n here can survive and pass as a pony here in our little town."

   Spike still looks questionable, but decides to stop questioning her.

   "Alright then. Come on, y/n." Spike orders.

   You raise your weird, pointed ears and follow, Fluttershy behind you.

   The sunshine hits your face- your odd, muzzled, fur-covered face- and warms your nose. It's a beautiful day. When is it not a beautiful day in Ponyville?

    You trot along with Fluttershy and Spike, still trying not to trip and slip. Come on, y/n. You've been animating multicolored horses moving along a path on Pencil for years. Well, months. Seriously, you can do this.

   Thinking back on the bases and references you've used, you begin trotting at an easier pase beside your.. Friends? Are these your friends? You've definitely always wanted to befriend a horse of your own, ever since My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic appeared on the Hub Network.

   "So where are we going?" your voice cracks. Ugh, even your vocal chords are sill shifted out of place.

   Other than the minor differences and struggles of your new, furry body, you think about how exciting this is. You're a real pony! Isn't this any pegasister's dream?

(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now