Chapter 3 (g/male)

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You follow your two caretakers- maybe friend is a strong word at the time- along a cobblestone path. Your hooves click against the stones in a tempo like a horse trot. Well, it was a horse trot. You're a horse, remember?

   You're walking, until suddenly Spike stops you. "There's Pinkie Pie." He says, pointing a claw towards a bouncing pink pony. Of course you knew Pinkie Pie. You've watched all four seasons.

   Pinkie spots you three and trots forward. "Hiya Spike, Fluttershy and- ummmoooohhhmYGOSH I DONT KNOW YOU! Are you new?" Pinkie asks you excitedly.

   Slowly you nod. "My name is y/n." You say.

   "Hiya y/n! I'm Pinkie Pie! I'm super duper happy you're here!" She gasps.

   "M-me too," you reply. Gosh, she's a hard one to keep up with. But she's sweet.. Like sugar.

   Spike nods, "Maybe you could throw a party for him, like the one you did for Twilight. Maybe make it a bit more stallion-y." says the reptile

   "That's a great idea, Spike! Come on in guys! Me 'n Rarity are having some milkshakes, and I'm sure Mr. Cake wouldn't mind to make you some!" the pink pony begins to bounce to the Sugar Cube Corner.

   You, Spike, and Fluttershy- who hasn't said much yet- walk behind the mare, entering the sweets shop.

   An aroma hits your muzzle the moment you step in, as if it could only stay kept and warm in that room. Ah, the sweet, sugary aroma that almost gives you a headace- and definitely a lustful growl from your stomach.

   You instinctively lick your lips. Oh my lord. There is a bar made of glass, filled with all sorts of cartoonish sweets. If only your town made things like this!

   You turn and see a white unicorn with a curled purple mane and big blue eyes slowly sipping a white-caramel milkshake. Who cares about the milkshake? Oh god, that mare. She's beautiful.

   Did ponies get prettier when you entered this weird world? Because she was drop-dead gorgeous.

   You go to the counter, to see Pinkie sitting down a sapphire coated vanilla milkshake, and a beautiful wildberry colored milkshake, it's foam hanging off the glass like a fountain, and a big red cherry on top.

   "I didn't know what flavor you liked yet, I'm sorry sir," said Mr. Cake, peeking out of the back room. You didn't really care what you got. You were hungry for two things now.

   You take the drink and sit it beside Rarity. Pinkie, Spike, and Fluttershy- who took nothing- followed.

   "Rarity, this is y/n. Y/n, this is Rarity." Spike said, then used his long reptilian tongue to wrap around a gem and suck it down his throat.

   "Oh y/n! What a-.." she pauses at the sight of your amulet. "L-lovely gem you have there." She lied.

   Your ears fall back. You probably look gay with a gem hanging off your neck. "Well, you see," you quickly try to explain yourself, "I got it from Twilight beca-"

   Spike suddenly rammed his foot onto your hoof, stopping any words, but maybe a painful cry from coming out.

   "H-he means Twilight gave it to him as a gift to Ponyville, hooray!" Spike said. Fluttershy quickly nods in agreement.

   Rarity senses something off, but then waves her hoof. You and the other two relax, and Spike removes his foot from your back hoof, probably leaving some vicious claw marks.

   "Well, Twilight needs to understand that I am the element of Generocity," says the posh unicorn. "Come to my boutique in a while, and I'll make you a suit."

   "But you can't," Says Fluttershy meekly. "Pinkie Pie is having a party for him tonight."

   "For shame Pinkie Pie!" Rarity whines. "You always hog all the friends when new ponies come to town!"

   "Sorry Rarity, finders keepers!" Pinkie squeaks.

   All this time while these three were arguing about your plans for tonight, your lips had somehow found your straw on their own and had hungrily gulped down the milkshake.

   "Pinkie Pie," calls Mr. Cake. "Can you wake Pound and Pumpkin Cake from their nap please?" He asks.

   You raise your ears quickly. Huh. This pony stuff is getting pretty easy.

   "Coming!" Pinkie replied. "I'll see you tonight, Spike, Fluttershy, Rarity and y/n!" you nod and stand up, your stomach full.

   Uh oh.

   Yes, your stomach was full, but so was your bladder. Maybe this pony thing wasn't that easy. How do you use the restroom?

(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now