Chapter 5 (g/fem)

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   "C'mon Spike!" you smile, pushing your new scaley friend with a hoof. He growls, "I don't want to come watch you try on dresses. Let Fluttershy do that!" he frowns.

   Fluttershy shakes her head, "Spike, Twilight said for both of us to take care of her." she giggles lightly.

   He groans as you and the pastel colored pony pushed him into Rarity's shop. Fluttershy goes upstairs to find her unicorn friend.

   You look over and notice Spike with a grumpy expression.

   "Hey, what's wrong?" you ask.

   "I don't want to be in this girly place," he groans, crossing his arms.

   "Well, it gives you some time with Rarity." you smile lightly.

   He blushes, "Y-you know about my.." he cups his mouth, whispering, "Crush on Rarity..?"

   Wow, how stupid did he think a human trapped in a pastel colored pony body could be?

   "Of course.." you say softly.

   He pauses, "Well, don't tell anypony." he says quietly.

   You pause, and then nod. Maybe This could be the thing that makes you and the Dragon warm up to each other.

   Rarity and Fluttershy walk back down the steps, and you smile up at them.

   "Come on darling, I'll find you a nice saddle, or even a scarf, maybe even a new.. Um.. Necklace." she looked back down to the necklace.

   You, Spike, and Fluttershy tense up.

   "No! I, uh, I think the necklace suits her!"


   Rarity raises an eyebrow, "I'm the fashionista here, Fluttershy. But.. I suppose if you like it so much.. I can work with it." She sighs, giving up.

   You smile as the other two sigh in relief.


   After a while, you come out from behind the dressing curtain. Your (short or long) mane has been fixed and primped as much as she could. Around your necklace was a small cape, leading into a short, frilled dress. It actually matched the necklace.
   "Can I make a dress, or what?" Rarity smiles, looking you over. Spike and Fluttershy both applaud, leaving you with a bright blush and an even brighter smile.
   She takes Fluttershy and does the same. She comes out in a saddle and her mane pulled into a braid. She looks lovely.
   Spike comes out with a bow and a blazer, smiling proudly, "I was worried you were going to make me look-" he pauses as Rarity raises an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish. He clears his throat, "Less than my manly quota. No offense, Rarity."
   She smiles and nods, "Of course, Spikey-Wikey."
   He sighs in relief, then walks to the door. Rarity pulls on a coat of her own, and then a scarf, "The party is starting soon. You probably want to show up to your grand reveal to everyone in Ponyville, right?" she asks with a smile.
   You nod, using your hoof to slick down your cloak. "Yes, but we don't have to rush,"
   Rarity nods, and Fluttershy smiles as the other two leave, and you two are alone.
   She looks you over, "I think you make a great pony, (y/n)." she says, then walks towards the door. You smile brightly, following behind her.

(Y/N) and the Amulet- a MLP:FiM FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now