1 | Fresh Start

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Ash in Media

First let me tell y'all about myself before I share my story!

I'm Ash! (Hey ash)!I'm 18 I'm a stud! I was born to two very wealthy prosecutors, who was killed in a fire when I was just 10 years old! I was then sent to live with my grandparents who raised me for 6 years until they passed 2 years so! I already know how ironic!

But then I was forced to be in the foster system for two years until a week ago. The system was hard, I was basically still on my own for the two years. I been to jail, court, fights, kicked out of school, almost didn't graduate on time, almost raped by my foster dad couple of times.

But like I said until a week ago I was in the system, but I turned 18 and I thought what am I supposed to fucking do now. No where to go, no one to stay with, how imma eat, sleep, clothes all that shit. Then I was contacted by the law firm my parents worked for and inherited 740 million dollars from my parents and grandparents.

So where am I in present time, Miami, Florida baby! I needed to be some where, where no one knew me, a fresh start, fresh money, fresh me. Now don't get me wrong I'm thankful that I was left this money from my family and I miss them everyday, but I knew they wanted me to have a good life. I only bought two major things a big condo in Miami and a 2017 Ashton Martin 🤗😇.




I was woken up by the sound of banging on my door! I looked over at my clock and it said 1:56am

"Who the fuck could this be? Stop banging on my fucking door" I stomped to open the door


"Why won't this fucking door open" a voice I don't know I heard through the door

"Yo, why the fuck you banging on my door?" I yelled slanging the door open

"Oh, hahaha that's why the door wouldn't open" the girl said laughing and smelling just like liquor

She was beautiful! She had bright green eyes, big full lips, big curly natural hair, nice light carmel skin, and she was kinda slim thick! I been living here for a week and never saw her!

"Yo, ma you aight? You got the wrong door though" I said leaning against my door

"Haha your so right, but my friend lives here so you could just scooch" she brushes past me

"Sorry ma! Your friend must don't live here no more cause only I do" I laughed grabbing her arm to bring her out my condo

"Aye, watch your hands" she said walking close to me

"Aye ma you in my place, you drunk so you gotta go ma!" I pointed her to the door

"I'm not drunk" she caught the hiccups falling out the door

"Damn girl" I caught her," do you even know your condo number?

"It's 75 (hiccup) 6" she laughed with her arm around my neck

"I'll walk you there!, It's just next door" I walked her to her condo

"You make a great door man, and your kin(hiccup)da hot" she got her keys in the door and it opened

"I'm not a doorman I'm your new neighbor" I said pushing her in her place

"I'll make sure you (hiccup) get a raise" she patted my cheek and closed her door

I said to myself, she drunk as fuck talking about I'm a door man the fuck is wrong with her, haha a little action never hurt nobody.

"Hey doorman, (hiccup) here's for your services" she stuffed two hundred dollars in my sports bra

I looked down "I'm not your door man here" she was back in her place before i knew it

I'll give it back to her in the morning. That's crazy, but she was fine as fine could be man. I shook my head going back in my place

I finally got back into my place, and walked in the kitchen and at the money on the table and then I heard all this noise from her condo.

"Why the fuck to hoe ass always coming in drunk and sloppy" a voice was so loud coming through these thick ass walls

"I'm not always drunk" I hear her scream

Damn man! I can't get involved in that mess! But damn that's fucked up I know she getting hit! Fuck! I just turn the music on listening to Chris Brown party!


I woke up to nothing but slience, and the sun shining on my face. I rubbed my eyes and picked up my phone, of course no messages or texts I don't have no family or friends.

I shrug it off and look at the time it was 6:23 am. Damn I didn't feel like getting up, but I need to go get my daily fix of bigbby coffee. (Yes I know as a stud I love my lattes) I put on some quick clothes, and my adidas and grab my car keys and head for the condo elevator.

There she was standing there, I wonder if she remembers anything. She didn't even push the button to go to the garage, I move around her and push the button to go to the garage!

"Excuse me, Miss" I move around her to push the button to go down

"Oh, I'm sorry I was in a daze" she looked up at me with a split lip

" It's alright I got it for us" I smiled and winked at her

"Thanks" she smiled softly " I'm Skylar

"Nice to meet you Skylar! I'm Ash

"Sky is just fine, and Ash is a weird name but I'll go with it" we both laughed

"Haha, well thanks Sky, about last night!" I held the elevator open for her

"Yeah I'm sorry about all that noise, and me banging on your door" we laughing taking the elevator down we were on the 45 floor

"Yeah and here's the 200 dollars you gave the doorman" she covered her face in shame but I laughed "it's okay sky, you were pilt

"Haha, thanks for not keeping it" she smiled putting it in her purse

"You hit your lip last night" I looked in her eyes

"Uh yes, yes s-somthing like that" she quickly looked a way but I knew that fear all to well

"Well next time you should kick that chair instead of my door" she looked up and we laughed

As the elevator doors opened to the lobby to the building we laughed but then there stood a stud, and her laugher turned into fear quickly! I knew that who was with her last night!

But I can't be captain save a hoe ( ya know what I mean)! The stud scowled me and gave me a dirty look, but me being me I smiled and held out my hand to dap her!

"Sup, I'm Ash I'm new to the building! Just saying hey to people I met" I head nod

"Sup I'm Dime" she daped me back

"Alrighty, see you later Sky, remember kick that chair not my door next time" I looked at Dime and walked off the get my car

🤓 Feedback Time 🤗

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Do you think Dime don't like Ash?

Should Ash Help Sky

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