47 | What's Wrong

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▪▫▫▫▫▫▫ KRIS POV ▫▫▫▫▫▫▪

Ash came out the bathroom like something was wrong with her! I don't maybe her period is coming! Shit definitely not going to get to strap her now, fuck! But I know dime is a fucking freak, I need some advice

Me - aye you sleeping D?😴

Dime - nope 👁wassup bruh?

Me - 🤔shit meet me outside for a second

Dime-  you lucky sky sleep nigga🔫! Iight

"Wassup Kris you good?" Dime said leaning on the rail

"Man, no look straight forward, I wanna strap Ash?" I said putting my hands in the air

"And? The problem?" She looked confused

"And I wanna threesome with Dez?" I said putting my hands in my face

"Nigga, your hormones are all over the fucking place bruh what's wrong with you?" She sounded worried

"Man, I know she Int gone let me strap her D! She ain't never you know know! Plus dez is just something fun man!". I said sitting on the ground looking in the ocean below

"Look imma be honest, bump that shit with Dez! That's done secondary if you wanna strap her ask her? Speaking of asking ain't you supposed to been asK her something nigga? "She smiled

"Okay fine, I'll leave dez alone for now! But I wanna ask her but I think she just came in her period?" I laughed

"Bruh it's called a shower, I did it plenty of times with sky hell even with Lola ass! "We both busted out laughing

"Nigga bye I'm going to sleep" I got up and headed to my door laughing

"I'm serious just ask her Kris, it'll be fine either she wants to or not you ever know Bru, get some sleep" I watched dime get in her hut and I returned to mines ash was kinda sleeping.

I just snuck in bed and just talked to my mind. Like how am I supposed to ask your stud girlfriend to strap her? When she's on her period! Fuck it, I'm gonna leave her be. I feel her tossing and turning over MD over I look at my phone clock and it says 11:59 on weird right.

I grabbed her by the waist and just pulled her all the way into me. Until I felt her nice round ass up on me. I wrapped my legs around hers and just held her tight

"Ash you okay! I got you baby" I whispered in her ear and she just relaxed in my arms

"Where did you go" she questioned me

"To talk to Dime!"  I said honestly

"About?" She didn't move but her heart started to beat so fast

"Sex stuff" I thought why is her heart beating so fast, I kissed the back of her neck

"I don't feel like it!" She moved away

"Okay, okay, that's fine baby! Wanna watch Netflix on the laptop?" I suggested

"Yeah, that's cool" I set up everything and she just laid across my stomach playing with my belly button and my waistband on my shorts

"Baby that's shit feel weird, making my pussy tingle and shit, stop!" I laughed she poked my bellybutton again

"Haha, ticklish" she laughed

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