The monster that I despise

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(sonic pov)

i have been living like this for years. rainbow still doesn't know and tomorrow night is the day before full moon. she was over for a sleepover i didn't plan it right so i had to get her out soon. No one should ever see the monster I despise. i wasn't sure why this had happened but it did. i knew from the first person who saw me i would never want any of my friends to see me like that or find out the truth for that matter.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(flashback :3) 

I was running around the town and everyone was kind to the hero they knew before IT happened.

"wow sonic can I get a photo" said a little hedgie boy who looked no older than 10.

"of course wouldn't want to let a fan down" I said and grinned as I got into camera shot.

 he snapped the shot and thanked me and ran off and told his mother. I chuckled and took off and all the fangirls swooning I rolled my eyes I was going to fast for them to keep up much less see my facial expression. then after a few hours I started to feel light headed. I ran to the nearest abandoned building that I knew of. You must be wondering why abandoned builds well I don't wanna be in a mosh pit while I'm light headed. The build was a hotel that was old and used for the homeless to have a little cover from snow in the winter. i ran into the lobby of the building and walked behind the counter and grabbed two room keys. again if one key is here then one other person has access to the same room he had. surprisingly the room locks still worked fairly well sonic thought a fifteen minute nap would get rid of the light headed feel. so he laid down on the bed that was surprisingly clean. then agian i do come and clean this room up every now and agian he thought. he fell asleep and woke some time later and he felt weird. like he couldn't place his finger on it. he swung his legs over the edge of the bed he didn't know if it was the lighting or if his legs were a dark blue...with white tufts of fur and spiked shoes? he got up and tried to dart to the mirror but he didn't dart like he should have. he felt slow now he opened the bathroom door and looked in the mirror. i was expecting my face but what i saw horrified me. it wasn't me it was a monster that looked fairly similar. we shared the same layout except this in the mirror was bigger with tufts of white fur on the ends of the quills more feral ears and grey fur where it should have been his peach chest, and piercing violet eyes. his teeth were sharper he just looked more feral and like a monster. he had stared in horror at the monster that he knew was him in the mirror. his stomach rumbled he would have to leave to get food he never really stocked food in this room now he was starting to regret that choice. he looked down and saw his hands had changed as well they were of course bigger but his nails had grown to become claws! he looked back at the mirror. anyone who sees me like this well run and most likely be scared of him. he walked out of the bathroom and to the locked hotel room door and looked out and carefully walk out closing and locking the door. he ran as fast as this new form would allow him to. he slowed and looked around the lobby and saw that no-one was there. he sighed in relief and ran out the door and didn't look back he had to get home without being seen. i had to go quick the hotel was near a park which was kinda scary if you overthink it. he heard someone scream behind him he turned to see them pointing at him. it was the same hedgie boy  he had gotten his picture taken with. he unintentionally took a step near him and reached out to try to calm him down. he only screamed louder then said words that hurt like a kick to the stomach.

"MONSTER HELP PLEASE SOMEONE HELP MONSTER! GET AWAY FROM ME!" the hedgie said with tears streaming down his face.

sonic was crushed he took his hand back and ran back to the hotel room and locked the door. he walked to the mirror again and something in him snapped that moment he shattered the mirror and anything that showed his reflection and curled up underneath the covers and fell asleep after all he could go a bit without food. when sonic awoke he got up to the sun shining he swung his legs over the bed expecting to see dark blue legs but he saw his blue legs he dashed to the bathroom but ran into the wall after being accustomed to run slower. he walked into the bathroom and picked up a shard of the mirror he had shattered and saw his face that he thought he had lost forever. he smiled and ran out of the hotel and got himself a chilli dog. then he heard the commotion. it was the same hedgie that he scared and they looked sleep deprived and they were shaking with an officer and his mother trying to comfort him.

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