The chase

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(lots of pov switching -.-)

(sonic pov)

as soon as dash saw me i took off i knew i couldn't get caught like this. so i ran she was hot on my tail and would not give up.  good god her determination...i had to keep running that was the first part of my plan it didn't matter who saw me now i just had to make sure they didn't see me change. or find out. easier said than done. my mind came back to my current situation rainbows after me. i just had to stall for morning but then what? i can't change out in the open and if i go into a concealed spot and come out like i didn't see the werehog that would cause lots of suspension or even give me away. i could just try and run near the cabin and then borrow under and conceal myself and then pretend that i went to sleep after sealing the hole. but that will take to much time rainbows way faster than me now. my mind was coming up with all kinds of solutions but all were failures. but there was one option that would just might work but i'd regret it for the rest of my life. run through everfree forest. the thought of that made me shiver. but it's better than any other option i got. i take a detour with rainbow right behind me to the everfree forest. she wasn't even making any sudden bursts of speed to try and catch me. that's when it hit me she was gonna wait until i get tired or until i hid then attack while i'm vulnerable. now i have to lose her in the everfree forest.


(Fluttershy's pov [yes surprise she has an important part ^ ^])

i was taking care of angle bunny before i left to find this werehog. i wanted to help it. i was just so interested in it, everyone's calling it a monster. sure it might be big and scary but the dragon dash punched was actually really nice and just didn't know better. well from my research upon all were-creatures they really like to spend time in the everfree forest. and i know i can handle myself out there. and then i packed some food in my bag for the werehog in case i did meet them. and i set off on my journey to the everfree forest.


(rainbow pov)

I HAD IT.I FREAKING HAD IT!AND I BLEW IT! DAMN IT! i had it! where did it go? THAT STUPID MANTICLAW! if it hadn't attacked me i could have got it. it was vulnerable it had been attacked and was limping! sort of. i didn't see it run off before the stupid Manticlaw attacked me! i looked around for any clues anything really blood trails,footprints i was just desperate now. i groaned and facepalmed (facehoofed? hoofpalmed? idk) then i looked around my surroundings again this time i only said five words.

"Peanut Butter on a Tuesday"


(Sonic's pov)

I had no idea where that Manticlaw came from but i was relieved to have it at that time. sure it got me pretty good but he got away from dash. he felt kinda bad cuz it nearly got rainbow. now he was thinking maybe he should go back and help...? no he couldn't she tried to attack him while he was vulnerable all she cared about was catching him. and he couldn't risk it who knows maybe she wanted to say that she was the one who turned him into G.U.N. but enough of that he needed to bandage himself up but where to start. he looked around and realized he was lost with rainbow supposedly in here somewhere who knows where they'll bump into one another he needed to take cover. he heard a twig snap and a few words "peanut...ona...Tuesday.." well theres dash if one thing that this form has is great hearing. but then he heard something a little farther ahead up his path. he saw a was a pony with wings WAIT he heard dash over to the far left who was in front of him? the silhouette was facing away from him. a cockatreese came up to the figure. he wanted to warn the figure but he couldn't talk. so he tried to punch the cockatreese. the figure gasped.

"oh my goodness are you ok?" she asked the cockatreese apperntly i hit it.

but i realised only one would ask an animal if it was ok. fluttershy. and the fact that he punched the cockatreese. oh boy he was gonna get a mouthful later. wait hoofsteps and wings flapping RAINBOW! rainbow heard no not now. wait fluttershy can understand animals maybe she could help me? he walked up to her well it's now or never. he stepped into her sight and heard her gasp.


(fluttershy's pov)

i gasped as i saw it emerge from the shadows. i couldn't believe it i had actually found it. it seemed anxious,paranoid even.

"hello there are you ok?"

it replied with "help i'm being chased"(i have no idea how it works for fluttershy -.-)

"by who"

'fast pony,blue,rainbow'

"rainbow dash?"

'yes need to leave now please i'm lost here i don't know where to go'

it looked at her with pleading eyes. like i was ever gonna say no to a hurt animal. were-creature or not she was gonna patch him up.

"of course follow me."

i lead him back and asked the animals nearby if they've seen G.U.N. so i could sneak him home the reason i tried to sneak him home is so i could patch him up and get him to safety. once we got to my cottage i started to get the bandages to patch up...

"so mr.werehog do you have a name?"

once i asked that it looked panicked.

"oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to upset you. i just wanted to be able to call you by your name."


(sonic pov)

she asked my name. i didn't plan this well i winced as she started patching up my side. i couldn't tell her my real name she would question. so i went with the first name that came to mind.


yes muhahah evil cliffhanger. i gotta think of the alternate name for sonic. for some reason i really want it to be dave XD. don't ask me why i don't really know.

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