My parting gift

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Mittiesues here, this is discontinued. this was just sitting in my drafts, so I figured why not just get it out here. I uploaded it as is so it ends pretty suddenly.


(rainbow POV)

I was in battle. Sweat rolled down my face as I considered my options. Sonic was sitting across from me, studying me. My eyes glossed over each card, weighing the pros and cons. Seconds passed before my eyes settled on one.

"I PICK THIS ONE!" I said dramatically slamming the card down onto the table with unnecessary force.

It was nothing special, just a reverse card, which I quickly followed with a plus two. Sonic groaned as I added ANOTHER plus two. Which was followed by a skip and a green 1.

"Well Dash, how about THIS!" He said slamming down a draw 4 following my dramatics.

"NOOOO!" I cried out as he changed the color to yellow, laying down a yellow 7.

I sighed and started drawing cards until I had a playable card. I looked at my deck and realised I had a blue 7 that I could have played. I drew 4 cards as well as 4 more cards for nothing. suddenly I wanted to self detonate. I laid down the yellow 3 I obtained. Sonic laid down a yellow 5. 

Being out of playable cards I looked over my deck for a 5 of any color. Red 5, lucky. I laid it down and waited for Sonic to make his move. Only for him to change the color to blue with another 5. I had 3 blue cards, 4 reds, 2 greens and no yellows. I played a blue skip and layed down a blue 2. He laid down a yellow 2. I groaned, I didn't have a 2 or yellow. I started to draw only to have a red 2 come up. FIRST TRY LET'S GO! Silently celebrating to myself. 

We were so focused on our game we didn't hear Fluttershy calling out for us. 

"Hey you guys!" Fluttershy softly slammed her hoof down on the table, drawing us from our game.

"Foods ready," she said leading us to the kitchen.

Sonic and I got up to follow. I had to keep telling myself not to try and fly, and Sonic got up carefully to avoid messing up the stitches. We sat down and started eating. There was peaceful silence, before I decided to break it.

"Hey Sonic."

"Yeah," he said face full of food.

"Sonic," Fluttershy said sternly "don't speak with food in your mouth."

"Sorry," he said after swallowing the food.

He made eye contact with Rainbow. 

"Yeah," he said with no food in his mouth this time.

I threw on one of my signature smirks as I looked at him, my competitive spirit burning with a passion.

"I think you should throw in the towel, I mean I have 7 cards left and you have, what? 16?" I said challenging him.

"What? No way! And I only have 15 cards!" He challenged back.

"Eh. 15, 16. It's a one card difference, not like that will help you when you lose!" I boasted.

"Well see about that, you have no idea what tricks I have up my sleeve!" he bragged back.

Fluttershy seemed amused at our antics as we finished lunch like that. We raced back to the game table, as fast as we could given our injuries. Our game continued, soon we were neck and neck at 7 cards each, until Sonic threw down a reverse, followed by another reverse, a puls 4, another plus 4, a green plus 2, called out uno threw down a red plus two followed with a killing blow of a red 5.

"Nooo," I groaned in defeat throwing down my cards.

"Told you I had tricks up my sleeve." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah you cheater."

"Cheater? I would never! Not so sure about you though."

I gave an indignant gasp. 

"Excuse me?" 

We playfully argued as we set up a new game of uno, this time Fluttershy included. We were not ready for Fluttershy's reign of terror as she trolled the both of us and flawlessly wiped the floors with the both of us.

I looked over to Sonic who looked over to me. Eye contact was made, we knew what we had to do. With silent affermination we bowed down and started hailing Fluttershy.

"All hail the wondrous Fluttershy!" I said.

Fluttershy's eyes widened, as confusion settled on her face. Before turning to schock when she looked over to see Sonic doing the same thing. But to a lesser degree as to not aggravate his injury.

"Teach us your ways sensei Fluttershy," Sonic said bowing as best he could.

Fluttershy's face flushed red. But we were not done yet.

"Master of Uno, please teach us your ways sensei," we said in sync.

Fluttershy's face rivaled that of a tomato. Staring dumbfounded as she watched. Fluttershy seemed to shake herself out of her stupor soon enough. As she was back to scolding.

"Enough of that," her face still slightly red "don't aggravate your injuries."

After some scolding they decided to play one last round of Uno before dinner. Again Fluttershy wiped the floor with us. That did not bode well for either of our prides. Why was she losing so much on two vs two? 

Dinner was another peaceful silence. One I didn't want to interrupt. It's not because my pride was hurt...ok maybe a little. 

After dinner Fluttershy insisted on checking our wounds before and after the shower before sending us off to bed. As I laid in Fluttershy's bed, still guilty about taking it from her, I started thinking. Back when I was chasing the werehog. 

I scowled at the memory. Had it not been for him I would be able to fly. But then again, waking up and seeing Sonic first thing in the morning wasn't so bad.

Rainbow smiled to herself with that thought and drifted off to sleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Sonic POV) 

Sonic on the other hand was panicking. Would his stitches heal before the next full moon? What excuse could he use if not? Sonic sat on the guest bed head in his hands as he mulled this over in his head. What could he do? He also had to take into account that Fluttershy expected that something was off. Fluttershy was many things, but stupid wasn't one of them. 

Sonic just wanted to pull his quills out in frustration. Instead he flung himself back onto his bed, which he instantly regretted. He checked his wound insanely happy that it didn't break open again.

Sonic righted himself on his bed. As he tried to fall asleep he was able to hear his own heartbeat. Calm and slow. It should have been reassuring but it wasn't. If anything it was making him more paranoid. Just listening to his heartbeat stressed him out, each beat getting heavier and faster. It was suddenly hot, too hot. He threw the blankets off in an attempt to cool down. 

He sat up trying to calm himself. Took deep even breaths so he didn't fly into a panic attack.

Some time later he managed to calm down. He laid down in an attempt to go to sleep, after all Fluttershy would have his head if he didn't take care of himself. But the questions and problems didn't want him to sleep apparently. Sonic tried hard to will them to go away. 

30 minutes later did he give in, that trying was a lost cause. He decided to get up and use the bathroom. After doing his business, he walked over to the sink. He turned the handle, staring himself in the eyes of his reflection. His own emerald green eyes seemed to be taunting him. 


this is my final chapter as 'Mittiesues' here. I had a good run with this book, all the way up until the end. thanks for that. Have a lovely day.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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