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(sonic's pov)

Dave. My names Dave. that will be my undercover name as the 'werehog'.


"well ok dave I will take care of you. you're welcome to stay here if you like."

'sorry i don't want to bother you. you probably got enough animals that need your attention.'

"oh no it's fine i also need to make sure that wound heals right. you can't move or it will slow the process of healing. something attacked you good i'm glad you found me i wanted to help you for a while now i even have a den in construction for you in my backyard."

once i heard that i felt guilty so badly she had a den in process just for him. but he had to leave sunrise was in 2 or 3 hours and that's not good.

'but i got to leave an-'

"No buts. you are going to rest and let that wound heal before you go anywhere."

'but i can't i nee-'

she cut me off by giving me a stare it was burning into my sole. i felt scared all the sudden i didn't think i could ever be scared of fluttershy but i'm proven wrong. i whimper if in fear and she immediately cuts the look and is replaced with a remorse look.

"i'm so sorry i didn't mean to scare you. but you do need your rest i'm gonna go prepare a comfy nest stay here."

she walked off and i darted to the door of the cottage and sadly i would like to say i made it to the door but that would be a lie before a snake came lunging at me. it looked at me daring me to try and open the door. ok this is bad I can't get out that way wait a minute i'm just being an idiot there's a back door to the backyard. but as soon as i'm three feet away from the door the snake is back hissing at me and blocking the way. the damn snake was herding him. it wouldn't let him leave. fluttershy must have took precautions. then an idea struck him but again he would regret it cuz he would have to lie to fluttershy. she was already taken advantage of enough by other ponies. ughhh THIS JUST NIGHT OF REGRETS! but seeing as i had no other option i gathered my best acting skills and walked up stairs with one thought in mind "i'm so sorry Fluttershy."

'u-um f-fluttershy i don-don't want to be any tr-trouble but can i get the ne-nest outside i'm a l-lit-little claustrophobic?' 

i was pretty sure i over did it. it didn't seem believable. 

"oh of course i'll take you outside right now if you like."

she actually bought it...?

'yes please'

i kept my head down the entire way i couldn't look her in the eyes. he'd lied to the kindest pony in ponyville and was taking advantage of their care.

"now i'll go get the blankets for your nest." she smiled kindly had flew off into the cottage. and as she did i darted to the fence and jumped over it. my side hurt like hell but i had to keep going. i picked up the pace. i had no idea what time it was so i had to get to the cabin so i could rest at the least and change without worry. after several minutes of running i finally got to the cabin. i found the hole i dug and went in and under the cabin  and went through the broken boards and pulled myself in the cabin. i looked at the clock one hour to sunrise then all of this mess is over for now until next full moon. i looked at my side and saw that my wound reopened once sonic gave the wound a looksie that's when the pain stuck big time. he groaned lowering himself slowly to the makeshift bed clutching his side. after a bit he passed out from the pain and when he woke it was morning. he got up careful of his side when he looked at the bandages on his side he realised fluttershy used the bandages that were her favorite and would notice the similarities. he needed to change the bandages anyways he couldn't risk it. even tho the design was barely visible due to the dried blood he wasn't gonna risk her noticing and connecting the dots. he got up and found that the scratch was bigger on his side than it was last night on 'dave's' side. he just decided to take the bandages off and made a mental note to make a trap door underneath the cabin. after he got the bandages off as painless as possible he layed down and planned to sleep. but one thought hit him like a brick. what if dash was still in the everfree forest? he sat up quickly even though it hurt so badly. and unlocked the cabin door and left not even bothering to lock it behind himself he ran fast into the everfree forest though his side hurt horribly all that mattered was making sure dash was safe if she was hurt it would be all sonics fault he led her there in an attempt to escape. he had to go back he had to make sure other wise he would never forgive himself he would rather die than know that rainbow got hurt all because of him. he ran getting hisses and roars and a few attacks here and there but that wasn't gonna stop him not now. he ran where he 'dave' met fluttershy. once he got there he was worried at what he would find but he didn't find her he looked around for clues. if he wasn't panicked before he was gonna have a heart attack now. there was crimson blood not a massacre but enough that someone could bleed out. he ran faster than ever searching every inch of the forest when he came across two places. an old palace and a hut. he decided the hut belonged to someone considering the good condition it was in so he didn't disturb them. so he left for the palace and found nothing of dash. he then zipped over to the hut and knocked on the door frantically.

"one moment and i'll be right there" 

a moment after a zebra opened the door.

"hmm looks like you've had a good scare"

"um hello have you seen a rainbow colored pony?" he brushed off the rhyming

"does this pony that you speak of move fast?"

"yes" i answered quickly

"ahh yes she is here safe and sound but has a cast."

"really? can I see her"

"yes of course but let's patch you up first,looks like whatever attacked you got the worst"

by now i didn't even mind the ryhming i was just happy dash was somewhat ok but he still felt bad cuz the zebra had said she was in a cast. and it was all his fault. she had to have so many injuries due to how much blood he saw. once he got inside he saw dash on the couch sitting and waving at him. he didn't care how much his side hurt he ran over and hugged her he was crying great well at least she was safe.

" I thought you were badly hurt and it would have been all my fault!"he said in between sobs he couldn't believe he was crying in front of dash.

"hey it's fine i'm ok"

she continued to reassure me and i eventually calmed down. and the zebra started to patch my reopened wound. then dash spoke.

"sonic what did you mean by it would have been all your fault?"


yeahp i finished i would have had this up sooner if it weren't for mca testing -.-

anyways so yeah ended on a cliffhanger i hope i'm not very good at cliffhangers. but yeah so i'm wondering how sonic well get himself out of this situation. well no that's a lie i already have that somewhat figured out but yeah saturdays almost here and  you guys are saying that dash should like chili dogs in my other story so i'm gonna get to work on that after school tomorrow cuz i'm too tired right now i'm just lucky i was able to right a full chapter without snoozing but enough rambling i will see you guys tomorrow after school hopefully. c ya!

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