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(sonic's pov)

I had to think quick that's the only way I get out of this. Another lie I groaned mentally.

"Because I ignored you and then you left and now your wings hurt because of my stupid decision."

I started to tear up. What is up with me? I shouldn't be tearing up like this. 

Was that even a lie?

"Hey it's not your fault. If anything that might have been the best night ever! Besides my wing and that manticore i'm completely fine! And I got to see the werehog too!  I was so close to capturing it to,but enough about me what happened to you?"

Shit,shit,shit,shit! My side! How the fugg am I suppoused to explain this! Before I could open my mouth the zebra spoke.

"My,my it looks like this was made not too long ago."

"Well do you think you can tell us what got him?"

"Yes of course I think I know."

"Then tell us what got him."

My heart is racing faster than my feet. There's so many connections to be made. The zebra looked at my wound.

"It seems to look like Sonic was attacked by a Manticore."

Rainbow looked at my side suspiciously.

"Thats strange that's almost exactly were the manticore got the werehog from what I saw before I got attacked."  

"Ok while on the way here I was running and something got me by surprise."

"Alright that must be the spot for a sneak attack then I guess..."

Oh god she didn't buy it did she.


(Rainbow's pov)

That couldn't be right, could it? That was logically impossible! [Yes Rainbow in a world where magic exists and where logic apparently doesn't apply to Pinkie Pie] The werehog was one "thing" while Sonic was nothing like that "monster". But it all adds up somehow the way he never was anywhere to be seen on a full moon,the same spot he has the wound from the same animal,the werehog popped out from behind his house,every time we come to visit after full moon he always seems tired as if he stayed up all night. [Logicly ,here, in this au the werehog can't sit still for long so plz just roll with it XD] But it couldn't be it's just got to be a coincidence yeah that's it it's a coincidence yeah that's it. I tried to believe that it wasn't true but no matter how much I thought against it wouldn't stop proving itself to be true. I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT UNTIL I HAVE SOLID PROOF. We talked at Zecora's she introduced herself to Sonic visa versa then it was time to leave. As soon as we were out of the forest I immediately tried to fly. I only got off the ground about 3 feet before I fell. Sonic then rushed over careful of his side it was already starting to bleed agian.

"Rainbow are you ok?"

I gave him a look that said "really?"

"Sorry here let me help you."

"No I should be helping you, your injury is worse than mine. Mine's just a clipped wing I hope."

"I know but I feel as if it's my fault."

"No it's my fault I should have just gone home instead of chasing the werehog."

He said nothing as he helped me up. He caught me by surprise by picking me up and carrying me bridal style.

"Sonic put me down you're gonna hurt yourself!" I said sternly as I tried to get out of his grip but he held strong.

I eventually found it was useless to struggle I was gonna hurt him worse if i did so. By now his bandages already needed a change. He also needed a good rest he looked like he was going to pass out soon. He led me down a familiar path to Fluttershy's house. I looked at him in confusion.

"You can't fly to your own house, so Fluttershy was the first person who came to mind."



(Sonic's pov)

It was painful I could barely stay awake and I really shouldn't be carrying her but I don't care. My side got worse with every step and me getting more tired wasn't helping. I got to the door of Fluttershy's cottage and knocked. She answered the door shortly after I knocked. Her sad look disappeared as soon as she saw us and turned to shock as she flew to assist me.

"Oh my, are you guys ok?"

"Yeah Rainbow needs somewhere to rest for the next week according to zecora she can't fly up to her house."

"I can walk can you can put me down now."

"Oh sorry." I said.

I blushed I hadn't realised I was still carrying her. I put her down and she sat on the couch fluttershy went to me as I tried to walk away.

"Your bandages look like they need changing."She said and stood in my way.

"You also look like you're gonna fall over." Dash added in.

I sighed knowing I couldn't deal with this in my current state.

"Alright fine."

Fluttershy asked us what happened we told her our sides of the story of course leaving out Dave's pov. Once she was done bandaging my side I stood up and went for the door.

"No Sonic wait please lay down." 

"But you only have one guest room" I pointed out.

"I'll take the couch." Dash said.

"No I will." I argued.

"No,no you both will be in beds and I'll take the couch" Fluttershy said.

"No I don't want to force you out of your own bed." I said.

"I'll be fine you both are injured." She stated.

Both me and Rainbow tried to argue with Fluttershy until we saw that there was no winning this argument.

"Ok Sonic you'll get the guest room I'll take the couch and Rainbow you can have my room."

We both agreed seeing there was no way out. I was teired now that that was sorted out I went to the guest room and flopped on the bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.


(Fluttershy's pov)

I made sure both Sonic and Dash stayed and were asleep before taking my spot on the couch. I went over what happened. Sonic seemed more worried about Dash than himself knowing he was hurt worse than her. Dash she was worried about sonic I can see why. But then there's Dave. Why did he leave? He lied to me. He seemed uneasy too, like he had somewhere to be. Well I'm not the one to hold grudges he probably has a family to tend to. And I was being selfish and trying to keep Dave here. I soon decided that that was enough thinking for today and said my goodnights to my animals before departing to sleep myself.


Hai ok so I got this done. And just so you know if some stuff overlaps with other stuff I can say that I didn't really think this chapter though cuz I made this up as I went along XD. So sorry if it's cringy it sure felt cringy to me XD. And I also edited this chapter instead of uploading it as soon as i was done XD. I might go back and make edits to all my other stories so you don't have terrible grammar errors :D but other than that I think I'm done her so I will see you guys later. bai. Oh and sorry for the name I couldn't think of anything else ;-;

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