3: He is alright

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" Uncle Bear how was England? " I asked him. At this point we were downstairs on the couch along with Caiden. Uncle Will left a few minutes ago to get his 'lady friend'. Mom is still cooking but she can hear everything.

"It was good, I missed you all so much and work has been good my boss has been changing up the designs like every other week so it kind of makes my job as an architect a little harder but it's my life." He said smiling. Uncle Bear had to leave 2 years ago because he was chosen to go to England the people really liked his work so they signed him on another project and he isn't even supposed to be back for another year. " How is school though guys?"

"Well as you know I'm a cheerleader and I'm looking into picking up Lacrosse this year, also I'm in the dance group at church now" I said boasting to him he has always been my main supporter, he is like another father figure and he looks similar to dad too - considering they are brothers- still.

" I'm doing good too, I'm on the track team and I'm thinking about doing Soccer" Caiden said proudly.

" On top of you already playing Basketball" My uncle said looking at him "When will you rest and how would you do soccer and track, aren't they in the same season?" My uncle asked him.

" It was just a thought and I could do track outside of school like on a league or something" Caiden said.

"Anyways, uncle Bear Is there a Mrs. Bear anytime soon?" I asked him.

" Why of course!" he said jumping up and going to his bookbag he pulled out a blue teddy bear. I immediately started laughing. " Everyone this is Mrs. Bear and she and I have known each other for 2 days and 1 night but it feels like we have known each other our whole lives but first I wanted to make sure my family approved of my choice. FYI she has the best stuffing I mean after all isn't it the inside that counts". He said pointing to his chest and winking in the end. But before we could react the front door opened and in stepped Uncle Will -my moms Younger brother- who had curly dyed light brown hair with his nice olive/light tannish skin tone( My mom and Uncle Will have different Dads).

"Family your favorite Uncle has arrived with a guest!" He yelled even though we were all in ear shot. He brought forth a women who I hadn't seen in a very long time.

"YOU!" she screamed and here we go again I thought. My uncles eyes got big like last time.

My mom ran out of the kitchen with her trusty Spatula ready for anything. " Oh my Gosh Bethany I didn't know you were dating Will." My mom said calming down and went to give Ms. Bethany a hug, wow she still looks gorgeous she hasn't aged much since I was in preschool.

" Oh we aren't dating Georgia, Will and I just work at the same place." Mrs. Bethany told my mum. " Sorry for my outburst I always seem to get that way with Bear around." She said looking pointedly at my uncle Bear.

" Beth can we talk" My uncle Bear said getting up and walking towards her, she gave a nod and he grabbed her hand and took her outside to talk. 'I always did want to know the history between them and nothing was going on in here'.

"Mom I'm going to get something for Uncle Bear upstairs" I said.

" What could you poss..." before I let her finish I was already running up to the guest room which was right above the place they were talking. So without a thought on the right to privacy I opened the window and started to catch snippets of their conversation.

"What are you doing back?" I think Mrs. Bethany said

" I'm visiting for a while but now that I see your here I should be asking the same thing. What happened to you moving to Pennsylvania and getting out of Florida." He asked her in an accusing tone I'm assuming. Why does he care so much?

"I did move to Pennsylvania then when I finsihed getting my last degree I got a job offer to teach at Brown University so I thought why not, I'm certified, so I moved back this year. I know Will because he works in the Social Studies Dept. While I work in the Reading Dept....wait are you jealous?" There was a pause for a moment I thought they left but then I heard....laughter?.

"What is so funny Beth and by the way I'm not jealous" My uncle said. Mrs. Beth finally stopped.

"It's funny because you left me to go to England ...You Left." Soon after I heard steps moving away from the Window I waited a bit to make sure nothing else was happening, right when I started to close it I heard my mom.

"Hey bro" She said light hearted
"I didn't know she was going to be here"

" It's cool" My uncle said. " She is still upset I see"

"So, she still doesn't know huh" My mom said to him.

" Like that would have done anything, and at the time I didn't think there was a way out. Look at you and my brother..."

"Hey, me and your brother are in love...but I know what you mean. Its not too late now." I could tell my mom was trying to lighten the mood.

"She had a miscarriage" My uncle said dropping the Bomb

"WHAT!" My mom and I said at the same time. I instantly realized what I did and ducked and started to army crawl outside the guest room and to the bathroom.


After my mom and uncle dragged me out of the bathroom and interrogated me for 15 minutes to find out what I heard and if I knew what all of it meant. I was lucky my mom was in a good mood or she would have slapped the jesus out of me and then slapped it back in.

After I was dismissed I went downstairs and realized some family started to arrive and Ms. Beth was in the backyard at the table laughing with uncle Will, I smile looking at them thinking how can a woman who had to go through the process of losing her child then be confronted by her ex about said child still be so calm. That is a warrior.

'I'm getting thirsty' I thought, I make my way to the kitchen to get water as I get some room temperature water I uncork the top only for the bottle to be pushed out of my hand.

"What the heck" I say as I look to who did that I see my Cousin DeAngelo or De for short, wrestling our 6 year old cousin. Boys I roll my eyes. As I go to pick up the bottle I hear loud laughter coming from outside and when I bent down to pick up the bottle on the way up I see a soccer ball quickly heading my way.

I had to duck immediately or I could have been decapitated!

"Oh wow Sam, could your head not be in my way next time" said a familiar voice. I looked up and low and behold it's Lucas aka my cousin Tess bff also a guy I can't stand.

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