5: History

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The beginning of Junior year and what am I doing living it up at party. School will start in two more days and to kick it off the last summer bash. I am currently wearing a grey shirt dress with a long blue bomber jacket and black sneakers to match.

The party is at this kids family vacation/beach house. As I am sitting on the kitchen counter and bobbing my head to a song by Future I feel someone staring at me. At first I was ignoring it but then I thought what if it's a creepy stalker and just like the idiotic girl in those horror movies I ignore it and then meet my doom so I start to look for my brother. At least this way I'll be idiotic with protection. I try to look over the heads of people while I was on the counter but then I decided it would be easier to just text him so I start to take out my phone and text him but then something in me told me to turn around so I did and at first I didn't know what I was looking for but then I see this guy leaning on a doorway in the back talking to someone familiar. I hopped off the counter and quickly walked to that guy.

"Where were you?" I slapped my brother upside the head only glancing at the guy leaning against the doorway.

"I was out and about, why?" he asked me raising an eyebrow.

"No reason," I said this time folding my hands and properly looking at the guy now in front of me he looked familiar. He was wearing a loose blue silk V neck shirt with black pants and Timberlands. Boy can dress.

"Anyways who is your friend?" I asked my brother this boy is muy guapo I thought. My brother just looked at me weirdly.

"Don't you remember Lucas?" he asked me. I had to do a double take. This boy looks better then he did when we were fourteen if that is even possible except his hair is darker and he has a tattoo on his wrist. I haven't seen him in months and even when he was around I never stayed around long enough to see him.

"Wow, well you look different" I commented to Lucas. Then I looked at my brother. "Can we leave now?" the firmness in my voice told my brother I wasn't asking.

Thankfully he actually has a drivers license now while I have a permit so he basically takes me anywhere and everywhere I want  I think he likes being my chauffeur.

He just started laughing " I didn't know seeing Lucas affected you so much" he said while walking off. I was shocked to say the least. Like seeing that jerk was the main reason for my leaving he wishes he affected me this much.

"Do I?" I heard him speak.

"What" I said finally looking at him. I zoned out. He rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

"Do I affect you?" he said each word while taking a step closer to me. I started to giggle a little.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him lifting my eyebrow.

" The only way you affect me is when I have to go to the toilet and that's because every time I poop it reminds me of you." I smiled at him and started to turn around.

" Same old Sam," he said. "I actually wanted to talk to you... maybe in private. Please" he asked. To say I was shocked was an understatement in all my time of knowing him he never once said please to me or ask to talk privately. I was curious though but that's what killed the cat then again satisfaction brought it back. I raised my eyebrow.

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