4: Valentine?

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Hearts, candy, teddy bears, and flowers that's all I see. Why do people put so much effort into a one day marketing industry.

The day started out great I woke up to Chocolate Chip waffles and got first dibs on dad's special smoothie while my brother got the scraps like the scrub he is. I went to school ready to start eighth grade thinking to myself it maybe Valentine's Day but what 13 and 14 year olds actually bought their "significant others" gifts at such a age. Boy was I wrong, as soon as I stepped off the bus that is exactly what I saw.

The significant thing about this day though isn't the fact that my teachers boyfriend sent her a bouquet of candy flowers with an engagement ring taped to it or that two hispanic girls fought at lunch because they found out that this white brace-faced freshman at a highschool was playing them. No, the significant thing about this day is that during third block an annoucement was sounded throughout the school. 'Can Jessica please come into the hallway' and the girl Jessica in my class got up during our math lesson and went into the hallway, now my class being nosy eighth graders along with our teacher went into the hallway to see one girl holding flowers another girl holding a big bear and another girl holding a candy basket then this cute tall white guy with brown hair walks up amd stands in the middle of the girls.

"Jessica we have known each other for a long time and I knew from the first time you smiled at my little brothers jokes I knew I had to make you mine. So, will you do me the honor of being not only my Valentine but also my girlfriend" he said while getting on one knee with his arms wide open. Jessica looked at him laughed and then shook her head no and walked back in class. All I thought was Savage. I couldn't help it I started to laugh and it only got louder the other students looked at me and then people started to join me. Soon enough the crowd went away and class went on, but this only contributed to this day. As I was leaving third block I went to my locker putting my stuff up for lunch on my way there I was rudely shoved, at first I thought it was an accident but then when I arrived to lunch this guy aka Lucas 'accidently' threw his food on me and a good portion of the students saw. This may or may not have started a food fight when I may or may not have dumped the pasta off of somebodys plate onto him.

After of course I get called to the principal office with this guy he just kept mean mugging me. When we were waiting on the prinicpal I finally got to take a look at him and realized it was the same guy that shoved me earlier. Lucas glew up over the past few months he looked to be about 5'9 and mixed with white and black probably with black curly hair and grey and green eyes, he was muy guapo, but I won't let his looks distract me instead I'm going to confront him.

I turned my body to look at him better.
He just stared at me and didn't say anything then looked away like I wasn't worth his time.
"Are you on your man period?" I said to him under my breath looking ahead.

Finally the principal walked through the office and went behind his desk and sat down. "So talk to me what happened" he said. No one said anything I took this time to realize how muy guapo my principal is too it's no wonder almost all the teachers in school fawn over him. With a tall build and muscles showing through his suit with that nice Blasian skin tone. " Alright if no one will speak than I will start calling parents" before he could pick up the phone.

" Wait, it was her fault she threw food at me" the guy next to me said. I immediately stood up while my eyes started to bulge out of my head.

"What are you serious, you were the one that shoved me quite harsh earlier and then proceeded to dump your food on me" I said in a semi calm voice.

He then proceeded to stand up "No, you were in my way and you got in my way again in the cafeteria I didn't purposely do that why would I waste energy like that on you." he said now I never really cared what Lucas thought of me but that hurt a little like dang and here I thought I was the queen of Sheeba. His actions of the past prove other wise when it came to 'wasting energy' on me I thought.

"Both of you sit down now" Principal Lee said. We both sat down in our seats. "Okay, Samantha seems like Lucas is saying that you misunderstood the situation and turned it into something it wasn't and Lucas seems like Samantha is saying that she felt you had a personal vendetta toward her am I right? ". We both nodded. "Okay, how about this you guys stay out of each others way apologize and I won't tell your parents. Deal" he said with his hand outstretched for a handshake, Lucas shook his hands first and then me. We were dismissed after that.

"Hey" I said stopping him before he could walk out of the reception office. " Do you expect me to believe that you didn't purposefully do that stuff?" I said a little pissed off I mean i'm a good girl I barely get in trouble at school. His hand was on the door handle and he turned and looked at me and smirked.

"Does it look like I care what you think " With that he left and left me stunned in the process that jerk.


Thankfully that jerk doesn't go to my highschool so I never had to put up with him for the past two years at school, sadly he is best friends with my cousin and is currently playing soccer in my backyard. That jerk.

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