Chapter 6

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When I got home, John wasn't too happy with me. I expected it though, so I was at least prepared. Luckily though, it was just the usual abuse, and then I went upstairs and passed out quicker than my head could touch the pillow.

My body was not only beat up so badly that I could have sworn I was seeing stars, but I was also very emotionally exhausted. I didn't want to deal with people, I didn't want to go to school, and I especially didn't want to do anything other than sleep and recover. So I let myself.

In the morning I drove Sammy to school as usual, but he didn't know about my fight at school. He definitely was suspicious though. I wasn't entirely sure, but I guess John must have been yelling a lot. He must have mentioned something. The entire ride Sam pestered me, but I really didn't want to say anything or talk about it. This wasn't locker room talk to brag about with your buddies. He eventually let it go when I turned up the radio.

School was bad. And that is the biggest exaggeration that I could think of. Kinda like saying that Hitler was a little rude sometimes.

I was still tired, sleeping had done next to nothing, and people stared at me everywhere I went. Not that I wasn't used to it already, being one of the coolest guys at school, but this was a different kind of stare. Like I was an insect under glass and everyone was studying my actions for a biology lab.

Sometime in third block my eyelids felt like weights. I figured I could afford to zone out for a minute and rest my eyes, so I let my mind wander.

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"Do you want some pizza from the cafeteria? I was just going to get some, I can grab some extra."

"Mr. Winchester, do you understand the seriousness of the situation?"

I tried to stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Yes, sir."

"Then please refrain from making jokes!" Damn, that was a good one liner. Wish it was appreciated more. "Now please, without any sarcastic comments, explain yourself."

How much did I want to say? I obviously couldn't mention anything about relationships. Just a couple of platonic friends getting in a fight over each other. Nothing to see here, move along. "Ok. I was just grabbing stuff from my locker, for homework, see, and I noticed my friend Castiel was talking to someone nearby, so I went to talk to him. I noticed that the other guy, Balthazar, was being a pretty big di..." I stopped myself. "Jerk. So I just told him to back off, and then he threw a punch at me. I had to defend myself so I kicked him in... his crotch area. He swept my feet, and well, the rest is history." I reckoned back in my chair and folded my hands together to look all professional.

"Is that all?"

Before I answered I checked the name plate on the desk because I always seemed to get the principal's name wrong. "Listen, Mr. Metatron, I didn't want to hurt anybody. I just needed to protect my friend."

He took a moment to look like he was thinking, even though I could tell that he had already made up his mind. "Ok. So, you're saying that you attacked someone because they were talking to one of your friends?"

"Well, not really, because he wasn't just-"

"Don't interrupt me." Technically he asked a question, so I wasn't interrupting... "You repeatedly cause harm to another student, completely unprovoked?"

I wanted to say something in retort, but even if I was allowed to speak on the issue, I didn't have anything clever to say. My mouth just hung open and I looked for support from any other teachers in the surprisingly small room.

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