Chapter 9

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Sun drifted in lazily from the window. The air was warm and thick. I was sprawled out, naked, next to Cas. His comforter covering at least half of my body, keeping me trapped in warmth. I opened my eyes slowly.

The first thing I saw was the back of Cas's head. Total sex hair. And I was the proudest man alive to say that I gave him that hair.

I stayed in denial for a few more minutes. I didn't have to get up for any particular reason. Plus, Cas was still asleep.

I was semi-spooning him, so I decided to untangle our sweaty bodies by turning over. As I moved my legs, the first thing I recognized was pain. Fuck, I was sore. My ass felt like it had taken a beating. Which, I guess, technically it had.

And then the memories. Cas was unbelievable good in bed. If I didn't know him, I would have said that he slept with people professionally. And, he liked to go far, fast. I hadn't been expecting anything more than a blowjob or something. In addition, I never thought I would be bottom. In a million years. Guess I just turned to putty under his hands.

A few minutes into me reviewing last night, I noticed Cas begin to stir. He sat up and looked towards me, lazily, taking in my body with his eyes. It had been pretty dark last night, we couldn't see each other very well.

"Hey," he simply said.


"... You're really good at birthday gifts," he smirked.

I laughed a little. "I think you're even better at receiving gifts," I responded.

"But really, that was amazing. Thank you."

"Anytime. Really, anytime."

He stood up and began to pick up his clothes. Getting a good look at his body actually took my breath away for a second.

"So, I was thinking..." he began to say. "Do you wanna get dressed and go on a snowmobile ride?"

I readily agreed.

Since I didn't have winter gear of my own, I had to borrow his. Luckily, we were similar sizes. As Cas sorted through his piles of jackets and boots and gloves, I studied his ass subtly. Honestly, he was a work of art.

I began putting my borrowed gear on as Cas did the same. It was only mildly awkward, as we kept catching each other staring at each other and grinning subconsciously. Before we put on boots, Cas asked if I wanted to get some breakfast real quick. We both tracked into the house like a pair of Eskimos.

I offered to help, but Cas refused and told me to sit down. "Don't want you to get even more sore," he said with a wink.

He began heating up a pan and took out some eggs and bacon. He had his back to me, so as he cooked I took out my phone. I checked on my snap chats, including sending a pic to Charlie with the caption "Guess what?". Now, I don't kiss and tell, but Charlie is my best friend and has been rooting for Cas and I since we met. Plus, she would murder me if I kept this from her.

She immediately responded with a smirk saying "you got the d?".

I responded with "HARD."

I noticed Cas was humming a song as he cooked. It was hard to make out at first, but after a while I realized that it was Faithfully. Damn, that was now my favorite song in the world.

After a while, Cas served me, and we ate together on his kitchen island. We both ate slowly, cherishing the moment.

"So Cas. What do you want to study in college?" I asked in between bites.

"Oh, definitely medicine. After I pay off my student loans, I want to travel and do volunteer work," he responded immediately.

"Fuck, Cas, I didn't know you were Mother Theresa."

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