Chapter 7

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I skipped the next day of school. And then the day after that. Then the next. Then it was the weekend and I didn't need to worry about making up any work.

I couldn't muster up enough courage or effort to get out of bed, except the one or two times I snuck out to train a little. People texted, especially Cas, and I mostly just ignored them. I finally said that I was still alive, so they wouldn't worry. But that was it. Sammy knew that I was home and would once in a while check in on me. We mostly didn't talk much because he would always tell me that I needed to get a check up or something of the sort. But once in a while he would come and watch some TV with me, which made me feel a little less lonely.

Luckily, John seemed to think that I was going to school every day. The school may have called once or twice, but he was always in too much of a stupor to remember it.

My mind occupied itself as much as possible under the circumstances, but you could only watch TV so much before you got seriously bored. Sometimes I would just lie on my back, watching the shadows of the tree outside my window wave in accordance with the wind. I had way more existential crises than I'd like to admit. When I did go skiing, it was to try and forget everything. I'd train until my brain went numb, until my body begged for relief.

Maybe I needed help. I quite frankly didn't care.

It took me five days to recover from my bruised ego, my growing shame, my blatant anger, and my helpless frustration.

On Saturday, I started to get tired of the insides of my eyelids. I decided that the only people that could help me were Cas and Charlie, and I needed to get out of the house with friends. But I knew that if we all went out together, Cas would probably feel like the third wheel the entire time. After a moment of thinking I decided that I could get someone for Charlie and make it a double date. I started a group chat.

Hey guys. You haven't really met, but Charlie, this is the guy from the coffee house that one morning at the beginning of school. Cas, this was the barista, Charlie.

Cas texted back.

Hey, Charlie. Dean, are you still ok?

Charlie also responded. Apparently these losers had nothing else to do other than being on their phones.

Yeah, I can't speak for Cas, but I've been really worried about you.

I smiled, despite myself.

Thanks guys, I'm fine. Just need to get out. How about we all go to the movies tomorrow?

Both responded at the same time.



I second guessed myself because I didn't know if Charlie had someone to take with her, or if she even had her eyes on anyone.

Charlie, could you take someone? Make it a double date? Then we could all be each other's beards.

It took a moment for Charlie to respond and I was worried that I had hit some buttons.

Actually, I've been meaning to ask this girl out for a while. She works at the coffee shop.

I sighed with relief. Then I realized that Cas hadn't said anything since I suggested that it was a date.

Cas, you ok with that?

Maybe it was too much to ask, since he's rejected me and all before.

So... it'd be like a date?

Ugh, here it comes.

Yeah, that's the idea.

I could imagine Charlie waiting with baited breath. I was too.

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