Chapter 8

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Oh shit.

I knew I had forget something.

Something had been nagging at my mind all day, just on the tip of my tongue.

It was Cas's birthday in a week. And I had absolutely no idea what I was going to get him.

I kept thinking about it all of third and fourth block, after I had found out. And he didn't even tell me, I had to find out from Gabriel. I could have completely forgotten it and let it nag me for a whole week. What kind of friend was I?

Well, technically, the kind that kisses their friends and goes on dates with them. That's probably not normal in friendships.

During my fourth block, I decided that I couldn't handle school anymore. I was not in the mood for physics, plus I also really wanted to see Cas. Maybe secretly I could interrogate him for his birthday gift.

Because no fucks were to be given on this day, I stood up and navigated my way to the classroom door. The senile teacher noticed my exit and asked me where I was going.


The halls were empty as to be expected, except for a stray student also making her way to the bathroom. I winked at her, expecting a blush. Instead, I got the finger.

I laughed it off, not breaking my stride. I think... I think Cas had Trig. I made my way to the math wing, not really running into many other people.

Cas was in one of two rooms but I wasn't really sure which one. I looked in the first one, not seeing anyone I really knew. I think it was sophomores. I decided to peek in the other one, and with a bit of contortion I saw the unmistakable back of Cas's head. He looked bored out of his mind. Big surprise there.

I marched into the class, interrupting the teacher.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Hansen. Mrs. Vendetta asked me to come grab Castiel, he's needed for an important task," I announced.

She barely batted an eye. "Ok, go."

Cas smiled as he got up and walked towards me, winking subtly enough that no one else would see. I nodded at the teacher before letting the door close behind us.

"Thank god you saved me from that. A couple more minutes and I would have had to kill someone just so I wouldn't die of boredom."

"I guess I'm your guardian angel," I responded.

We both laughed and Cas asked what we were going to do. "I thought we could go hang out in the courtyard," I suggested.

He agreed and we made our way through the halls, making sure to walk with a purpose so we wouldn't get caught.

The courtyard was a little distance away from the school, so it would be unlikely that teachers would look out their windows and immediately see us. We exited through one of the back doors so we didn't pass the security guard in the front.

We both sat down on one of the benches in the courtyard and just started talking. He told me about his history teacher mispronouncing election and instead said erection. That gave everyone a good laugh.

I tried to slyly figure out what he would want for his birthday. "I heard your birthday's coming up." Ok, maybe that wasn't as stealthy as I wanted it to be.

"Oh, yeah. But it's not a big deal," He responded.

"Everyone says that. Are you gonna have a party?"

"No. I've never had a party."

From that moment on, I never saw him the same way. "Wh...what? Why? That's so sad."

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