Chapter 4

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Guess what? Just guess. No, I want you to guess....I'M BACK!

I've lost my best friend. Just 6 minutes ago, he was smiling and laughing with me as we walked towards the cafe. I was hyped on seeing Luke, so fucking excited, I could barely contain it. I had my arm wrapped around his neck as I fake put him in a headlock and he mocked me by claiming to be scared. Just 6 minutes ago, he was here. 6 minutes ago, he was my best friend, my only best friend.

Now hes all the way sucked into his phone seconds after we sit down. I roll my eyes, waiting or our waiter to come. All of my friends suck, even my best friend. Such a fucking douchebag. "Who are you even texting?"

"George Clooney." Calum barely mutters, fingers like a blitz across his screen. I scowl, grabbing one of the cookies from in front of me. "We got 203 likes overnight for that video."

I scoff. "We? Dumb ass, you filmed in my moment of sadness."

Last night, my grandmother had went to the edge of being an old bitchy hag. She had told me to kill myself before she had to do it herself because I was in the kitchen after mid-night. Who was she one the phone with after mid-night? I don't know. But Calum came to comfort me which sucked because Trixy, his cousin, began texting him as if she was dying without his yellow fucking emojis. So I decided to play Just Dance because thats what I do. I entertain myself when sad.

And he thought it was fucking hilarious that I was weeping on the inside so he filmed me for a straight minute of dancing to Bang Bang. "You didn't ask me why I called you over last night because fucking TRIXY-"

"Could you take it down a couple fucking notches?" He asked, also grabbing a cookie from the plate. I scowl at him, biting into mine and refusing to look excited. I love their cookies, they give me will. "What happened?"

I scoff. "Grandma Susie happened-"

"Good afternoon." I look up, choking on my cookie. Lukes bright blue eyes literally burn a whole into my conscience. "Didn't mean to startle you."

"You could blink and startle him." Calum mutters, screaming in pain when I throw my foot into his chin. Why? Cause he knows nothing about shutting his mouth. "Fuuuck, that hurt."

Luke chuckles lightly and I flutter on the inside. "How has your day been?"

"Shit but hey, things are looking up." I hear myself saying. Dammit, Ashton, you have no cool.

He smiles genuinely, looking at me straight in the eye. "So how about date two?"

I choke on air. Not even on spit, I choked on air. "W-what?"

He looks so amused by this. I swear seeing me struggle with not pouncing on him makes his day. Very slowly, he lowers his hands from his notepad. "Will you go on another date with me?"

"WOULD I FUCKING EVER- I mean." I quickly compose myself, refusing to look back on that embarrassment which would never leave my mind anyway. "Sure. When?" I say, sweetly. Calum scoffs making me glare solidly at him.

He bursts into quiet laughter. "Come to this address around 3." He grabs his pen and I expect him to write on his notepad but he grabs my hand instead. The only thing I'm thinking is we are touching for the second time, hes holding my hand for the second time. He scribbles down an address and I beam at his beautiful chicken scratches. "Also, Calum, Michael wants to know if you'll come."

"What?" Calum asked, eyes wide. As if there was no sexual attraction. Lets just stop the cat and mouse game now.

"He wants to know if you'll come. Make it a double date." Luke says nonchalantly. I look down at the writing on my hand, my insides fluttering and I see him looking at me from the edge of my sight.

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