Chapter 6

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(soooo because I needed understanding, i threw in a Luke POV! prease prease don't hate me, this will probably just come at random times for more understanding and not so many lost ends, tank you)

Luke's POV

I contemplated it for...about 45-47 minutes. Eventually, I did give up on not being a weirdo and and did stalk his Instagram which is useless because all of him is on Calum's insta. And it is beautiful. I am 21 years old in college and may or may not be a gang member but I have never seen someone with a brighter smile than Ashton. The way his eyes close and his whole body sort of collapses when he falls into laughter. He always tries to cover it but its impossible.

And then I made the worst mistake. See, there was this one video of Ashton with a Mickey Mouse sweater on which gave him sweater paws in blue jeans. He was sitting on his bed dying of laughter over Hoodwinked, clutching his stomach. The other hand was covering his mouth. The video was actually in two parts so the next part was him recovering but beginning to laugh again. It was beyond beautiful.

Then like...the idiot...I...clicked like. Remind you, this video was from 7 months ago and I clicked like. There is no way in the world for me to come back from that. He had probably already checked it and now...I was the biggest creep. Not only did I kiss him first, I liked it a video from almost a year ago. Retarded at most. This is how I came to scream bloody blue murder through my apartment only for Michael- the one who claims to be my best friend- stare at me in complete disinterest while eating pound cake. He was barely listening to me.

"Luke." He says finally, dusting his hands off on my fluffy white pillow. I lift my lip in disgust. How did it come to this? "Can you SHUT THE FUCK UP?!"

I pout slightly, pulling my pillow away from him. "What do you want? Your usually play Fifa while shouting about how much God must hate you because of how much you lose to that weird guy- whats his name- TheHoodWay?"

"Oh, your even more of an annoying fuck than I thought." He tells me, pushing a brown folder towards me. "16,550 for his death. Or, and I am not shitting you, 'life support at least'."

"Goddamn, who wants him dead for that much money?" I sigh, pulling the folder from the bed. I open it, reading through his information. " says he's 16. Michael, I'm not gonna kill a minor-"

He groans. "OMG, I knew you would say that shit-"

"Then why the fuck did you bring it?" I argue, reading through the rest of his papers. "And his biological Dad's already in jai- not only will I got jail, his Dad is gonna fucking ruin me. What the hell?! His Dad is in there for rape too!"

Michael stares at me. "Are you scared of being to jail?"

"No, Wrecker's cell is 10 times worse than a jail but its never as personal as killing his goddamn son." I thumb through more, biting my lip. "No name or picture, I am confused as hell."

"Well, our source say the lady wanted us to make sure we'd do it before she gave us his name or picture." Michael tells me. His eyebrows raise in annoyance as I blink at him. "I am gonna murder you- you know, for being the unarrested Ghost, you take absolutely no chances-"

I throw a pillow at him. "I am NOT murderer, Michael. You know I have no choice but to be here so shut the fuck up." He looks beyond annoyed in my existence. And I don't understand why. I never ASKED to be gang leader, they just rated me like that.

"You've killed a minor before-"


"It was not that serious-"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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