Chapter 5

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"I can NOT believe this." I groan as pushing the cart through the super market. "Of all the days, the day my crush kisses me, she picks for me to go on a shopping trip! Why is it always fucking me? WHY?!" I grab birthday cookie oreos, dropping them in the cart and pushing on.

"You complain wayyy to much." Calum tells me, still scrolling through his phone. "Half of the half of the videos you are in on my Instagram have you complaining in some way, shape or form." He continues. His fault. I wasn't supposed to be his featured entertainment. "RazorBladeGirl says-"

"Okay, wait." I put my hand to his chest to stop him. "Her RazorBladeGirl?" He shrug. "If she's shitting my complaining, I don't want to hear it. Why? Because her fucking name is RazorBladeGirl."

Calum plucks me in the forehead. "You can't talk shit about people like that."

"I disagree with my past self from 40 second ago. Tell me everything. What did Mrs. RazorBlade say, I wanna know." I say, dropping some sugar cones and strawberry ice cream in the cart as well. For some reason, Lauren likes that nasty shit. I hate it with a passion but she loves strawberry ice cream. I also get fudge ripple for people who are sane, dropping it in the cart.

He rolls his eyes, following me behind me. "She says 'does all this small guy do is complain? nothing else? that bitch is annoying, all he does is go on and on and on, he has no fucking off button. and its about stupid shit like his straightener not working, why is that gay bitch using a straightener anyway-'"

"Okay, stop before I get pissed off." I tell him, walking into the crowded chip section and grabbing 2 bags of family sized salt and vinegar chips and dropping them into the cart with a sigh. Calum smirks like its funny. Which its not, by the way.

"Fag." I go completely still. I have never seen Calum turn his camera on faster. Slowly, as to give myself time to breathe so I do not completely snap this bastards head off, I turn to the smirking bastard next to me. Hes literally staring at me, his girlfriend staring with a wide smile.

I clear my throat and kindly smile at him. "Uhm...excuse me?"

"I called you a faggot." He stepped forward and I step back, bracing myself. He crosses his arms, looking like the perfect asshole. "Does your Mom know you take it up the ass on a daily basis?"

"I think you need to walk away." I tell him strongly, turning around to walk away.

I try to ignore his laughing, reminding myself that we can't almost be sued for the 6th time, I have to have some type of restraint this time. But no, he opens his mouth anyway, whispering like fucking Satan. "Yea just run away. Disgusting homo, always the most cowardice."

"You know what, fuckhead?!" I yell, turning around. "I'm trying my very hardest not to snap your dick in half and send it to your girlfriend for a dildo so please fuck off before I have no choice-"

"Or you'd keep it for yourslef-"

And my hand somehow found the tub of ice cream which was then thrown at his face. I don't stop there because I have no off button. I hit him again, right in the nose, smiling when it begins to bleed. "So, ya dumb bitch, if your mother was not a hoe and was actually smart, you'd know not to mess with short people, ya dumb fuck!" I go on, kicking him in his stomach.

"You bastard-" He moves to bump me and I duck even lower, coming up to bite his arm which makes him yell a string of swear words.

"And she'd tell you to accept faggots like me because without us, than your girlfriend here would probably be riding my dick so fuck off!" I scream, loosening the top on a jar of cheese dip and throwing it at him. Why? Because it would get all over him, making him look like twice the dumb ass and also, that glass is gonna hurt like a bitch. I drop 10 dollars on the floor next to him. "Pay for that stuff for me, will you? Keep the change, I pity you."


I knew there was something wrong when both Michael and Luke were staring at me from across the table. I blink at them boredly, refusing to look as fucking scared as I was on the inside. I chewed on my cookie slowly, eyes switching between the both of them before sighing heavily and sitting my ice coffee down on the table. Who knew these two fuckwads could be so annoying? Not a damn soul. We came into the cafe, Luke was on break, we sat with them and they wouldn't stop staring at me.

"What?" I ask finally with a leisured sigh.

Luke smiles, leaning forward which makes me jump back. He can't kiss me right now, I'm mad at him. "I think you would make an A+ street fighter."

My eyebrows furrow and Calum laughs silently. Murdering him later. "What?"

"We found this video on youtube of this really cute guy beating the shit out of some other guy at the supermarket-"

"CALUM, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I yell, glaring at him. He scoots his chair all the way towards Michael, as far away from me as he could get. Not like we don't basically live each other so I get to beat his ass anyway. "Oh, you better have fucking insurance, I fucking swear."

Michael leans forward next, a huge smile on his face. "You should be in a gan- ow, fuck!" He yells and both me and Calum lean away from him, looking at him confused. Luke didn't look confused, more like he could repeatedly murder Michael, over and over and over again. Okay...? "Never mind."

Soon, we were literally just lounging around the cafe, me and Calum setting him up a youtube channel because hes media as hell. He loves to be seen, he should be famous for all the videos and pictures of either of us he has on Instagram. I fill up half his Instagram for some fucks reason. Even on his Youtube banner, its a picture of both of us, on that cliff which we named ours. Its called Cashton-wood.

As we look up at the boys across from us- the ones who were hating on us every chance they got- we find them perfectly silent. My eyebrows furrow as I follow their gaze to the TV. It was a news report. I honestly never took either of those fucks to be the news types so I wa confused.

A week ago at 2 a.m, police took a man known as Tucker Lucas into custody. After close investigation, he admitted to being affiliated with the gang Fox Eyes who have performed over a thousand robberies, murders and have a complex drug system that runs across Sydney. Its leader, known more as Ghost, has never even once been arrested though his co-leader, known as Mickey-Mouse had been and blatantly refused to show his face on camera.

*Feed of the video come up and you can't really tell who it because his whole entire figure is blurred, the switch the voice*"I swear to god, you put that camera in my face. Go ahead and put the camera in my face and see what fucking happens. You need to back the fuck up right now."

The Fox Eyes members have been known to keep their identity perfectly hidden and are amongst us at all times. They could be anywhere and the police are doing extra checks and putting up more road blocks to stop the number 2# placing gang in Sydney. If you would like to spot one, their gang tattoo is a fox with X's for eyes. Of course they may have these in extremely hidden areas. If you have any information on one, send it in to the police office immediately, not doing so can be punished with prison time.

And now...

Luke and Michael trade a look, the orange haired boy scratching his neck. There was this weird awkward vibe circling around us now, Calum picking at his nails. "Are y'all okay?" I ask, both of them looking at me quickly.

"Y-Yea, babe, just tired." Luke replies. I was gonna point out the fact that he was shitting me but he called me babe and I choked on my spit. Instantly, a smile bloomed on his face as he looked at me. "Are you alright, babe? You sound choked up there."

I sip at my coffee. "Fuck off." I say but I can't help the blush or the smile because that's what he does to me. There's no way to stop it. 



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