Chapter 2: Derek Hale

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Liz pulled into the parking lot of the school. She pulled down the sun visor, looking at hersef in the mirror. She smiled at herself, hoping today would be a good second day. She grabbed her bag from the backseat, before stepping out of the car. She began walking up to the building as she notice Stiles' Jeep pulling in. Liz continued walking towards the building. She noticed a dark figure wrapped in a leather jacket waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He turned around. It was Derek. She wanted to take another route but there way no other way at this point. Derek's eyes were locked onto hers. She wanted to pass by him without any confrontation but he stopped her. "Lizzie!"

Liz took a deep breath before turning back to him. "Hi, Derek."

"How are you?" he asked. Was the mysterious Derek Hale really asking her a serious question?

"I'm good." She kept her eyes to the surrounding area. Liz couldn't dare look him in the eyes. "Derek, you know if Scott catches me talking to you he'll be infuriated."

"I know. It's all apart of the fun," he smirked.

She turned around, noticing Scott and Stiles had just gotten out of the car. "I've got to get to class. I'll see ya later, Derek."

"I hope so," he said.

She ascended the staircase, walking through the front doors. She quickly found a window, which overlooked the staircase. Scott and Stiles were talking to Derek. Everything was fine, until Derek turned towards the window. Liz's body froze with fear as Scott and Stiles turned too, both noticing her. Liz was caught in a trance as Derek stared at her.. The bell rang, bringing her back into reality. She decided to glance back to the boys one more time before heading to class. Derek was taking off in his car. Stiles and Scott, on the other hand, were coming right for her. She ran down the hallway, trying to avoid the confrontation. She hid herself in a sea of people. Liz was safe for now, but seeing the two would be inevitable.


Liz scanned the lunch room for Allison and Lydia, finding them with Isaac. She made her way across the room, taking the seat next to Lydia across from Allison and Isaac.

"Hey, girly," Lydia greeted.

"Hey," she smiled. "So have you guys seen Scott and/or Stiles? I saw them this morning but haven't since."

Isaac's expression turned to that of knowledge. As did Lydia and Allison. "No, I haven't seen them. What about you guys?" Lydia said, eased.

"Not me. Isaac?" Allison asked.

Isaac's face tensed. He clinched his fists together, pulling them down on his lap. He then let out a huge breath. "No, I haven't see them."

"Oh, okay. They probably just ditched after this morning," Liz acknowledged.

"What happened this morning?" Lydia asked.

"I uh, well I, I saw Scott and Stiles talking to Derek and they saw me as well."

"Didn't we tell you to stay away from him, Liz?!" Isaac shouted, grabbing the attention of surrounding students.

"I did. I am. It's not like I'm going to show up at his burned house in the forest." Liz knew she had said way too much, but there was no coming back from this.

"How do you know about his house?" Isaac questioned, staring me down.

Liz needed a cover up story and she needed it now. "Oh, I, I didn't know it was real. I dreamt it," she said.

"Oh, well, it's real. Try to keep yourself from finding it," Isaac stated.

"How come?" she asked, confused.

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