Chapter 9: Powerful

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Derek walked Liz back to her house after consoling her. Her parents were out to dinner so they wouldn't be home for a while. She opened the door and turned halfway inside. "Thank you, Derek."

"You're welcome, Elizabeth." Him not calling her Lizzie really hurt.

"Just because of what's happening, doesn't mean you have to call me Elizabeth."

He lowered his head then looked back at her. "Goodnight, Liz."

She let out a sigh. Liz wasn't what she wanted either. "Goodnight, Derek." She stepped inside, closing the door behind her.


It was an early Saturday morning. She got up at 8 to take a run. She put on her running outfit before taking off into the woods. Liz knew she was coming up on Derek's home, but she also knew he wouldn't be there so she kept going. She stopped to tie her shoe lace back then as she stood up, Ethan and Aiden appeared before her.

"What are you doing here?" Aiden asked.

"I was on a run, obviously. I live back through those trees."

"You need to come with us," Ethan stated.

"Good one. Now, if you two would move."

"Liz, don't make this harder. He sent us because he knows we won't try to kill you. Kali will," Aiden said.

"How sweet. But let me introduce you guys to some information. I can take care of myself," Liz said, crossing her arms.

"I can tell," Aiden smirked. Ethan hit his arm.

"Look, he just has a few questions for you. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Fine. I'll be there in two hours," she agreed.

"Don't make us regret this, Gray," Ethan said before the two turned around and disappeared into the morning fog.


Liz walked down the long hallway. "Okay! I'm here! What do you want?" She yelled. Soon she heard the noise of footsteps along with a cane.

"Ah, young Elizabeth. Finally, we meet again." Deucalion walked towards her with the twins following behind.

"Those two said you had questions. Ask them or I'll leave."

Deucalion turned back to the two boys then faced me once more. "You need to tell us what you saw in your dream at Derek's."

"Why should that be of any importance to you?"

"Because it scared you. It scared you enough to go back to Derek after what we told you," Ethan intruded.

"What I saw in my dream felt real," she started. "I was nearly killed within my dream. It wasn't just pure coincidence that I found him either. My younger self brought me to him. She knew something I didn't. She still does. I don't know who it was or what it was, but something wanted to kill me that day. It would've taken me or possibly my younger self."

"Then dream again."

"I can't just dream and hope I end up in the same place! It doesn't work like that!" Liz shouted.

"If it affected you that much, it'll work," Deucalion said.


"Elizabeth?" she said, standing behind her younger self on the playground. "Elizabeth, I need to talk to you." She turned around, taking Liz's hand. She took her to her favorite spot in the entire elementary school as a kid. It was a nook in one of the trees that she always went to when she wanted to be alone. Nobody else knew about it.

"Elizabeth, who was that man?"

"Scary man."

"It's really important that you tell me."

"Cleaning man."

"Does he work for the school?"

She shook her head. "He used to. Mommy told me he got burned using chemicals to clean."

"How do you know him?"

"He always comes to see me, but nobody else sees him."

"Is he here now, Elizabeth?"

She peeked her head out of the nook, scanning from side to side. Suddenly, she pulled her head back in quickly. She nodded yes. She could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. Liz pulled her younger self into her lap to protect her. They were hidden. Liz leaned over a little to get a look at the man. He carried the same knife he tried kill her with. He trudged by the little nook in the tree. She put Elizabeth on the ground beside her and looked out. She could see him but he was in the distance. Liz quickly crawled out of the hold, picking Elizabeth up with her. She began running back to the playground area. As they approached the playground, she set Elizabeth down so she could run to the other kids. Liz ran with her but was stopped when she hit a giant force field that knocked her onto her back.

"Lizzie!!" Elizabeth shrieked.

"I'll be fine! Just go!!" Liz shouted as she did so.

Out of no where, the man appeared beside her. He crouched down laughing. "Oh, how naïve of you."

"What do you want with me?" she asked, still laying on her back.

He gave a scary smile before grabbing her wrist. The pain was excruciating. It felt like he took a branding iron to her skin. She began screaming and kicking as the pain spread all over her body.

Liz woke up to see Aiden standing over her. She jolted up, still shaking from the dream.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You've got a gnarly burn, Liz." She looked down at her wrist to see the mark that the man left. Ever so slightly, she touched it and it was the most agonizing pain she'd ever felt. She could barely move. The pain was spreading fast.

"Get Deucalion!" Liz shouted.

Aiden ran out then came back quickly with Deucalion. "What is it, Elizabeth?"

"I can't move. My body is in pain. The dream. In the dream he grabbed my wrist and it left a mark." Her body began twitching.

"Aiden, bite her!!" Deucalion shouted.

"Do it now or she'll die!"

"But she'll turn!" Aiden shouted. Her vision turned blurry and she couldn't move. "She can't be a Visionary and a wolf, that's never happened before!"

"Either you turn her now or let her die," Deucalion said emotionless.

Aiden lifted Liz's shirt, exposing her midriff. "I'm sorry," he said before taking a bite into her skin. She let out a horrific scream. The pain in her wrist was nothing compared to the pain now emanating from her side. Aiden stepped back, standing beside Deucalion.

"Why isn't she healing?" Aiden shouted.

"Give it a minute!" he yelled back.

Two minutes went by and the pain was still severe. Liz truly thought she was going to die, as did Aiden and Deucalion. Five minutes went by and still no change. Ten minutes and nothing. She felt nothing anymore. She laid still. If it wasn't for Aiden being able to hear her heart beating, he'd assume she was dead. She looked lifeless. Thirty minutes went by. Liz could feel numbness in her side and on her wrist. She could wiggle her toes and fingers now. Her body was moveable. She sat up, unaware of what abilities she now possessed.

"How do you feel, Elizabeth?" Deucalion asked.


"Excellent," he smiled before exiting the room with Aiden.

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