Chapter 12: Pilae

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"Are you sure you'll be okay for tonight, miss?" the police officer asked, dropping Liz off at her door. She had been taken to the precinct that night to try and help the officers in the search for her father. Elizabeth knew they wouldn't find him. Nobody would ever find him.

"Yes, I'll be okay. Thank you."

"Be safe. Call the station for anything." She looked at his badge.

"Stilinski? You're Stiles' dad?"

"You know him?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's quite the character," Liz said with a small laugh.

"Yes, he is," he laughed with her. "Be safe, call the station if you need anything," he smiled before driving off.

Liz opened her front door slowly. She trudged up the stairs to her room, refusing to look at the kitchen. Every time she blinked all she could see was her mother dropping to the floor. The gunshot rang in her head over and over again. She opened her bedroom door and Aiden was sitting in the desk chair, waiting on her.

"How do you know where I live?"

"I asked Allison."

"Oh," she said, setting her stuff down then walking over to him. She sat across from him on the bed as he sat in the chair, still as ever.

"Liz, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Liz, don't lie to me. You don't have to act tough around me."

She let out a small smile before tears welled in her eyes. "It's just not fair. She didn't do anything. I didn't know my dad was even a Visionary," Liz sniffled.

"It's hereditary. One of your parents had to have it for you to gain it."

"But, if I've always had it, why am I just now being able to really use it?"

"Because you didn't know about it till now." He stood and sat beside her. "Look, Liz. I'm sorry about what happened. We're gonna catch him, okay?" Aiden pulled her close as she buried her head in his chest.

"Aiden?" Liz said, pulling away from him.

"Yeah?" he asked, rubbing his hand up and down her arm to comfort her.

"What happens if we don't?"

"If we don't what?"

"Don't catch him. What happens then? He'll try to kill me, Aiden. He will kill Elizabeth and I won't have a childhood. It'll be as if I never existed."

"He won't."

"How do you know?"

"He may be this evil man, but there's a bond between child and parent. He may have not liked you but it's a bond he can't control."

"You promise?"

"I promise," he smiled before pulling her back into a hug.


Liz mainly kept to herself for the next few days, avoiding school and almost everyone. She imagined going to school and hearing "I'm sorry" over and over again wasn't exactly fun. Stiles' dad periodically checked up on her since her father hadn't returned. He even helped replace the locks on all the doors in case her father had intentions of breaking in and hurting Liz.

For the first time in at least 24 hours, Liz got out of bed. She looked out her window and aimed her sight on the forest. Grabbing a jacket, she sprinted downstairs and out the backdoor. She ran towards Derek's home, not knowing if he'd be there or not. With her new enhanced speed, she made it there fairly quickly. When she opened the door, Derek emerged at the top of the stairs.

"You should be in school."

"I haven't been to school in almost a week, Derek. I just lost my mother."

"Still." Derek remained at the top of the stairs, glaring down at her.

"Derek," she said, noticing the tension in the room. "What did I do?"

"Nothing." He walked away into a room. Liz ran up the stairs, chasing after him.

"Derek! Stop!" she caught up to him and grabbed his arm, facing him towards her. "What happened?"

"It's nothing, Elizabeth!" he yelled, yanking his arm free. "It's nothing."

Liz stepped back as he yelled at her. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes. Without thinking about it, she wiped them away, holding together all she had left.


"Nothing," he repeated.

"Okay. I wanted to talk to you but forget it. It wasn't important anyways," She said, turning her back and walking slowly down the stairs. As she did, she became lightheaded, topping down the stairs, and immediately blacking out.

Her vision was somewhat blurry and there was an odd taste of metal in her mouth. She stood from where she was laying and looked around. It was her old home. She looked through the window from outside. Her mother and herself were sitting at the table as her dad was in the kitchen. Through the small kitchen window, her dad caught sight of her. His face went into shock.

Liz figured the best way to get inside would be to ring the doorbell, so she did. Her mother opened the door and looked right through Liz. She couldn't see her at all. At first, Liz stood and stared at her mother. It was strange to see her. She was alive, not lying dead on the floor. All she wanted was to hug her but she couldn't. Liz quickly ran inside before her mother closed the door back. Liz ran over to Elizabeth as her mother moved to the kitchen, where her dad was no where to be found.

"Elizabeth?" she whispered. "If you can hear me, can you tell me where daddy went?"

Elizabeth raised her arm and pointed up the stairs. Liz nodded and walked up the stairs slowly. As she approached the top, she noticed a shadowy figure walk into a room. She followed it slowly and cautiously. When she entered the room, her dad was standing at the other side, standing and waiting for her.

"Hello, Elizabeth."

"Dad. What are you doing?" she asked as he held a knife in his hand. "Dad, you don't need to do this."

"What do I need to do then, huh? Wait around for the next woman to ruin my life and kick me to the side?"

"Mom loved you. I loved you. We were your family."

He laughed at the response before taking notice of the burn on her wrist. "That hasn't disappeared?" Liz shook my head. "Incredible."


"I didn't even think about it."

"Think about what?"

"You're a Pilae Visionary, Elizabeth."


"Pilae's are among the most powerful of our kind. They can do more with the simple gifts than a normal Visionary. You can close your eyes and enter a dream just by a simple thought. You can bring others into dreams just by making contact with them. You can allow your body to do things others can't." Liz didn't want to believe any of it but she couldn't deny that everything he was saying was true.

"And what does that have to do with the bruise?"

"That bruise protects you. It is what enables you to posses these powers. It's what makes you a Pilae."

"I don't understand, I did so much of that before I even had the bruise," Liz said. Her father looked at her and she didn't know if he was amazed or fearful.

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