Chapter 25: Flames

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Liz stood before her parents. Seeing her dad wasn't something new, but seeing her mom wasn't something she'd been faced with in a long time.

"It's been a while, Elizabeth," she spoke.

"Not long enough," Liz looked down at Aiden's lifeless body. "How could you kill him?"

"It's what we do, sweet heart. A Visionary and a wolf? It just doesn't add up. It's a natural instinct to kill them."

"I don't have that instinct," Liz retorted.

"You've hit a mature Visionary age, you should be feeling it."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you, dear," her father stepped in. "Seems as if our daughter has found love for a wolf."

"Ah, I see now. You are blinded, Elizabeth."

"My name is Liz. I haven't been Elizabeth since I was little, but you wouldn't know that would you?"

"Elizabeth Marie Moreau! You do not talk to your mother like that!" her father yelled.

"My name is Elizabeth Gray. I haven't been a Moreau in a long time. I gave up that name when you gave me up and I haven't looked back since."

"You will always have a part of it in you, Elizabeth," Alaina said.

"I will never have it be apart of me. How dare you kill Aiden and how dare you call yourself my mother! You left me! You abandoned me. I was left alone. I was left with someone who was trying to kill me. How could you treat your child like that?"

"We had no choice," she spoke, very serious.

"You knew, too! You knew who you were giving me to! You knew he would try to kill me!"

"Elizabeth, stop. Yes, we knew who he was but we placed you with a mortal woman so that you may grow up with normal, human instincts."

"You wanna know the only thing I gained from the woman? I gained a mother figure. She was my mother. She is my mother. You? You're nothing but a surrogate and that is all you will ever be to me." Liz turned around, running down the hallway, leaving Aiden's body behind.

She ran out the doors of the building and ran straight for Derek's. On her way back, she passed a huge pile up of cars. That's when everything finally hit her and she knew how she got to the asylum. Her feet were swollen and bloody by the time she reached the front door of Derek's loft. She knocked, tears still flowing from her eyes.

The door swung open, "Liz?"

"Can I come in? I- I need to come in," she said, her words slurring together.

Derek grabbed her by the shoulders. "Liz, shh, what's wrong? Liz, what happened? Liz, where did you go?" Derek pulled her into a hug, picking her up bridal style and carrying her inside. He laid Liz on the couch, sitting on the table in front of it.

"Liz, talk to me. What happened? Why are you hurt?"

"I ran here. It'll heal. But, Derek, they-they-they," her throat tightened around the words.

"They did what?" he said, rubbing Liz's arm.

"They killed him. They killed Aiden." She fell over into Derek's arms. He rubbed his hand up and down her back.

He took a deep breath, trying to figure out what exactly to say. "It'll be okay."

"No, it won't!" Liz sat up on the couch. "They'll kill you too. They'll kill everyone until I'm the only one left."

"Who? Who will kill everyone, Liz?" she shook her head, tears still streaming down her face. "Lizzie, tell me who."

"My-my parents," Liz said, hyperventilating from crying so much.


Derek sat beside her on the couch, his arm wrapped around her. "You ready to tell me what happened to you? One minute you were here, asleep with me on the couch then I woke up and you were gone."

"You don't want to know."

"Just tell me. Liz, this is important."

"Okay. I remember I woke up and you were asleep. I went and got a drink of water when I heard a voice in my head. It sounded like my dads, my adoptive dads. I looked back over at you and you were still asleep. I figured I would be right back and you wouldn't know. I stepped outside and began following the voice. I didn't bother putting on shoes because I didn't think I would even make it 5 feet past the door. I reached outside, the body hosting the voice was no where to be found. I closed my eyes, hoping to find my adoptive dad. I figured he wanted to talk to me again. I had no luck, so I kept walking on the pavement until the main highway. All I can remember is the cars were going so fast and I needed to get to the other side. I closed my eyes and walked straight across the road. The cars honked at me and the tires screeched as they pressed on the brakes. As I reached the other side. I turned back to a pile up of about ten cars honking and yelling out their windows. I focused my mind solely on them. I stared the cars down, imaging fire and the burning of things. The next thing I knew, the cars went up in flames. I felt nothing. I kept walking and I eventually hit a forest. My feet were poked and stuck with all sorts of nature. Sticks, twigs, leaves, and probably some bugs attacked my feet. I felt nothing. My body went numb. I wanted to stop what I was doing and go back to you but I couldn't. I remember I hit a gravel road, I'm guessing it's what leads to the Asylum. I was standing in front of the building and I collapsed. My feet finally gave in. It's like someone told my feet that I was brought where I needed to be and that I could move on my own now. After that, I passed out. I woke up and was in front of the Insane Asylum with no memory whatsoever of how I got there."

Derek sat, pondering the story. "Wait, Liz, you set people on fire?"

"I didn't mean to. I didn't want to. It wasn't me."

"Liz, you killed people. Innocent people were burned alive, Liz."

"Yes and I cant do anything but live with the guilt and mourn their deaths. Derek, you don't get it. My parents killed Aiden because he was a wolf. It's in my nature and every other Visionaries nature to kill wolves. I'm supposed to want to kill you, Derek."

"But?" he asked.

"But I can't. I love you. I don't have the instinct to kill but even if I did I couldn't see myself killing you or Aiden or anyone else because of them being a wolf."

"So, what's the dilemma?" he asked snootily.

"The dilemma is, Aiden is dead. My parents are going after every wolf they find. They can and they will kill you. Obviously my parents were strong enough to bring me to the Asylum. I don't want to find out or even know what would happened if they took over my body. They would have my powers. They would destroy everyone, Derek. That includes you."

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