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"WHAT?!" Alex yelled.  "What man upstairs?  Is there seriously a man upstairs or is this a joke?" Megan mumbled something to herself.  "It's the skeleton man.  He answered the phone.  The skeleton man answered is upstairs,"  Riley stated.  Alex was relieved to hear that it was probably just a made up person from the five year old's imagination.  Although, it was still slightly disturbing that the phone stopped ringing like it was answered.  But there couldn't be a skeleton man upstairs.  Alex was just upstairs.  Or did Riley mean the attic?

It was nearly Megan and Riley's bed time so Alex told them to go upstairs and get their pajamas on.  The kids got ready quickly.  When the kids were in the washroom brushing their teeth, Alex noticed something in the garbage.  She went over to see what it was.  Brown hair dye.  Nothing of great importance.  The kids went to sleep easily.

Alex went back downstairs to watch more TV.  Now that she was alone she was a bit creeped out.  All sorts of questions ran through her head.  About the phone, the skeleton man, the hair dye.  "I'm sure I'm over thinking things.  I'm just a bit scared because of what's going on,"  Alex reassured herself out loud.  Then she remembered that the mother had said the kids medication made them loopy.  "Riley probably didn't even know what he was talking about.  It was probably just the side effects of their medication."  Where had she seen those kids before though?  At the park?

Alex was getting kind of hungry.  She decided to get a snack.  She went into the kitchen.  Not sure what cupboard food was in she opened some.  The first one was plates, second was cups, the third was so packed that some things fell out.  Alex quickly picked the items up.  They appeared to be pills of some sort.  Were they the medication the kids took?  The label said 'Rohypnol' and the other was a bottle of a water like substance labeled CHCl3.  Was this the medication the kids took?  Alex had never heard of Rohypnol before.  After she put everything back she got some food.  She went to the couch to eat the crackers she had got.  After she was done she turned off the TV to play on her phone.  She had just began to play her favourite app when she remembered her curiosity about Rohypnol.  She decided to Google it.  What she found scared her.  Rohypnol, also known as the 'forget pill' causes amnesia and makes you forget everything while on the drug.  If this was what the kids were on then they couldn't have been making the skeleton man up.  And CHCl3 is chloroform.

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