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Alex had to tell her mom what happened.  Kaitlyn's mom and her mom had been friends for a long time, so this would probably hurt them both quite a lot.  How would they tell her sister?  Ally would be devastated!  Alex went upstairs to her mom's room.  She knocked a couple of times but just walked in.  Alex's mom's TV was on and judging by the state of her, she already knew.  "Mom,  how are we going to tell Ally?"  Alex asked.

"We'll tell her tomorrow when she wakes up," her mom replied through tears.

"Alright, well I'm going to go to bed now."

"OK.  Goodnight."  Alex got into her pajamas and tried to sleep but she couldn't.  You know those times when you think too much and you just can't fall asleep?  Well that's what happened to Alex. "Is she still alive?"  "What if she isn't?"  "What if it was me?"  "What if it was Ally?"  "Who was doing this and why?"   "Why did those people have chloroform?"  "Who was the skeleton man?" 

It wasn't until after 12 o'clock that Alex drifted off.  But she had terrible nightmares that night.  The dream was of a skeleton man chasing her around her house with a cloth soaked in chloroform.  She couldn't stop running around.  There was no escape, no where to go.  Subconsciously, Alex was trying to make it stop.  She couldn't though.  The man wouldn't stop chasing her around and around.  Then she ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.  She tried to run again but the skeleton man was blocking her way.  He grabbed her shoulder.  Alex was kicking and screaming as much as she could but the chloroform slowly made it's way up to her face.  Slowly everything faded away until she felt like she was falling.  She kept falling and falling through darkness, with no ground in sight.  Then the screaming started.  As she was falling she could hear the screams of the people she cared about.  Her mom, her dad, Ally, Kaitlyn.  Suddenly Alex landed on her feet in a pitch black room with no doors or windows.  Slowly two people submerged from the darkness.  Two small kids.  It was Megan and Riley.  They approached her very slowly.  Something was off about them, though.  They appeared to have been crying blood!  They walked up to Alex and they each put a hand on her shoulder.  Then they said in the most demonic voice Alex had ever heard, "There is no survival."

Just then Alex jolted awake.  She was covered in sweat.  Her heart was beating so fast she thought it would explode.  She took a few deep breathes, trying to calm down and recover.  That had to be the scariest dream she had ever had in her life.  Alex looked at the digital clock on her bedside table.  It read: 1:30.  Had it only been an hour of that terrible dream?  Alex felt like it was an eternity in that nightmare.  A cold breeze blew into Alex's room.  She realized her window was open.  Alex went over to close it.  "I don't remember opening the window.  Who opened it?"  She thought to herself.  Just then she heard a noise coming from down stairs.  It was quite muffled though.  It could have easily just been her imagination but of course, Alex had to go see, just in case.  

She slowly walk downstairs.  Although her house was fairly new, the stairs creaked.  It was really dark downstairs but her eyes adjusted quickly.  She noticed that the floor was kind of shiny, as if someone had spilled something.  There were small dots of water on the floor.  There was also very faint footprints on the hardwood.  "Maybe dad came home,"  she thought to herself.  There was a faint glow and buzz coming from the family room.  Alex's heart started beating quickly.  She walked in to see what was happening.  It was only the TV.  "I guess I left the TV on."  Alex stood still, trying to calm down.  "Why did I even come down here?"   She decided she would go to the kitchen and get a glass of water before she went back upstairs.  Alex went into the kitchen and turned on the lights.  but someone else was in there.  It was Ally!  She was slumped over in the chair, face down on the table.  "Oh Hello," said a mans voice coming from behind Alex.  She turned around to see the skeleton man with his chloroform soaked cloth moving closer and closer to her face.

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