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Just then there was a rumble within the house.  Alex was scared for her life!  Alex stood up ready to run or fight, which ever was necessary.  Just then the rumbling stopped.  Alex calmed down.  She could hear her heart beating a mile a minute.  Then the rumbling happened again.  Alex slowly walked to the front of the house.  Just then the front door opened.  Alex jumped.  It was just the parents coming home and the garage opening and closing.  Now Alex just felt stupid.  "Oh, hi," Alex said.  "How was it?" the father asked. 

"Good,  the kids were really well behaved.  We just watched some TV.  That was pretty much all that happened."

"Oh that's good.  Did the phone ring?" Asked the mother.

"uhhh yeah it did.  Twice.  I didn't answer though," replied Alex.

"Alright.  Here's your pay.  Is $30 fine?"  

"Yes that's good, thank you."

"Would you like a ride home?  It is pretty dark and we wouldn't want you getting kidnapped."

"It's fine.  My mom is actually on her way over now.  I texted her when I heard the garage open," lied Alex.  Alex put her coat on, went outside and then texted her mom.  About a minute later her mom arrived to pick her up.  She didn't really want to tell her mom about hat happened since she hadn't made sense of it all yet.  It could just as easily be a misunderstanding.  She didn't want some innocent family getting arrested.  "So how was it?"  Asked her mom.  "Good.  The kids were really nice and I got payed $30."

"That's good.  You know, I almost didn't let you babysit tonight.  I really don't want anything to happen to you Alex.  I don't want to feel what the parents of those missing kids feel.  But if the family seems nice you can go back if they need you."  Alex wasn't sure how to respond to this.  She didn't want to worry her mom by telling her what might not even be true but at the same time she wanted to be honest.  "What are the chances they will need me back again,"  she thought.  "it was probably one desperate night away from the kids.  They won't need me back."  "I'll do it again if they need me,"  Alex said aloud to her mom.

When Alex got home it was around 9:30.  She had a few hours to kill at home.  "Be quite your sister is asleep," the mom said quietly.  Alex sat on the couch and turned on the TV.  Nothing good was on.  Mainly just re-runs.  She sat flipping through channel after channel.  She had seen everything that was on before.  She flipped to the news station.  It was another report of a missing kid.  "12 YEAR OLD KAITLYN JUST REPORTED MISSING JUST OVER AN HOUR AGO."  An hour ago she was babysitting.        The missing Kaitlyn had brownish hair and green eyes.  Alex knew her, Alex's sister knew her.  A long time ago they were all friends.  But not long enough that Alex didn't cry.  She lived about an hour away from where Alex lived.

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