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"So how was he?" El asked.

"What?" I replied, obviously confused.

"I know that you made him audition to make sure he doesn't sound like a dying walrus. How did he do?"

"He did good. How did you know?"

"I've known you since the pigtail days, you won't hire someone without making sure they're qualified," she explained easily.

I just chuckled then continued wiping the tables and stacking the chairs, it was now 10:00 PM, meaning that the cafe had closed.


"I'm home!" I yelled out as I walked into the apartment I shared with my older brother.

Our parents were pretty wealthy, but we decided to move to California a few years ago and they had to stay in Seattle to run their malls. Our older sister, Laura, also moved with us, but then she got married and moved out. Laura's now pregnant with her first child at the age of 27. Mom and Dad do send us each checks every month just to make sure that we survive, not that it'd matter if we didn't.

Ellie and I have known each other since we were both eight years old. She decided to move here with us when we turned eighteen. So, El and I moved when we were eighteen, my brother was twenty, and my sister was twenty-four.

"How was your day?" my brother, Peter, asked as he walked into the kitchen and sat on the stool across of mine.

"Fine, we got entertainment for the cafe," I replied.

"Please don't say you hired without checking if he was even qualified."

"I'm not you Peter," I said jokingly.

"That was one time," his voice came out muffled because he'd covered his face with his hands.

"And what was your reason for hiring her? Oh yeah! Because she told you that she was experienced, in bed, not working in a cafe," I continued teasing him.

"You're such a bully," he mumbled.


"What should we have for dinner?" Peter asked, we have dinner late because we both finish work late or we sometimes take later classes at UCLA.

"Oh! Can-"

"No! You cannot make dinner!" he yelled before I could even finish my sentence.

"How would you know that's what I was going to ask?" I asked.

"Because you always ask the same question, but after that one time, you're never allowed to cook again," he stated.

"If you'd let me finish my sentence you would've known that I wasn't asking to cook this time, I was going to ask if I could go pick up In N Out burgers since they don't close till 1 AM," I said then glared at him.

"Yeah sure."

I got into my car then drove to the nearest In N Out then bought the burgers and drove back home.


"Oh look at me, I'm all strong and muscley. My name is Peter and I like to talk in a deep voice to try and intimidate people but it doesn't work because I'm too soft and cuddly," I mocked Pete as I set the bags of food on the kitchen counter.

"That wasn't funny," he stated as he already took his bag and sat down at the dinner table.

"Sure it wasn't," I smirked then grabbed my bag and joined him.

Opposites Attract ~ h.s. auWhere stories live. Discover now