Chapter 7: Bring It The Fuck On, Vernon!

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*Jay's POV*

He opens the door and storms in.
"Why is that door closed?" for a few seconds no one says anything, we just stare at Vernon.
"Why is that door closed?" he repeats louder.

"How're we s'posed to know? We're not s'posed to move, right?" Bender reminds him. Vernon turns to the Prom Queen.

"Why?" he yells.

'Oh great. Fuckin queen bee is gonna snitch on Bender.'

"We were just sitting here, like we were s'posed to." I stare at her shocked.

'Holy shit. She didn't snitch on Bender...'

Vernon looks around and then looks straight at Bender.

"Who closed that door?"

"I think a screw fell out of it." Bender explains to him.

"It just closed, sir..." Andrew backs him up.

Vernon looks past Brian and I and says:

"Who?!" the girl behind us lets out a squeak and slams her face onto the table, hiding in her jacket hood.

"She doesn't talk, sir." Bender says, acting very polite.

"Give me that screw!" Vernom tells Bender.

"I don't have it..."

"You want me to yank you outta that seat and shake it out of you?"

"I don't have it...screws fall out all of the time, the world's an imperfect place..."

He turned and looked at me. "Maybe you have it! You're a little trouble maker as well!" he yells at me this time.

I look over at Bender for a second, then back to Vernon. "I don't have it."

"Excuse me, sir, why would anybody want to steal a screw?" Claire asks him.

He points at her. "Watch it, young lady!"

He goes over to the door. He tries to hold it open by putting a folding chair in front of it.

"The door's way too heavy, sir." Bender tries to explain to him.

He ignores him and continues what he's doing. The door slams shut despite the chair.

"God damnit!" he yells from the hallway. We all laugh at his anger. Vernon opens the door again and he comes back in.

He points at Andrew. "Andrew Clark...get up here. Come on, front and center, let's go."

He gets up and walks over to Vernon.

"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up..." Bender starts.

"It'll be anarchy!" I finish.

Vernon and Andrew are now attempting to move the magazine rack in front of the door.

"Okay, now, watch the magazines..." he mumbles.

They get it into the doorway and it blocks the entire door.

"That's very clever sir, but what if there's a fire? I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children would be unwise at this juncture in your career, sir." I tell him. Vernon thinks about it. He turns back to Andrew.

"Alright, what are you doing with this? Get this outta here for God's sake! What's the matter with you? Come on!"

"You're the one who wanted him to put the magazine rack there. Why are getting him in trouble?" I ask Vernon, defending Andrew.

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