Chapter 17: I Guess We Gotta Tell Everyone, Huh?

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*Jay's POV*

Brian spent the night with me that night, he slept on the coach, of course. That morning I did my usual schedule. As I was getting dressed there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in." I answer.

My door opened to reveal Brian, he looked completely ready.

"Hey. You almost ready?"

"Yeah, just one sec." I answer, running around grabbing last minute school supplies and throwing them in my bag.

Brian and I walked to school in complete silence. I wanted to start a conversation with him, but I had nothing to talk about.

"I wonder how the gang is going to react when we tell them we're siblings, twins even." Brian questions.

"I have no clue." I mumble.

"Are you thinking about Bender? I think you should talk to him about what happened before you get mad at him."

"Huh?" Was all I could say, I looked at him confused.

"You know, what happened yesterday. When he rejected your kiss because his friends were there." He explained.

'Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that.'

"Yeah, you're right, big bro."

I didn't even realize what I had said until Brian looked at me shocked, but happy?

"Oh shit! Sorry, it just came out." I started freaking out a little.

"It's okay, I don't mind at all, little sis." He smirked at me.

I smiled back and before we knew it we were at school. We stop and stare at the tall building for a moment.

"Here we go." Brian let's out a sigh.

We walk in and the hallways a flooded with students.

'Fuck, I hate people.'

I shove my way through to my locker and I notice someone's standing there.  I looked closer and I realize it was Allison.

"I'll catch you later!" I waved to Brian and nodded in response.

I ran up to my locker. "Hey Alli!" I waved at her.

She looked up at me and I noticed her hair was out of her face, she was still wearing the dark makeup though.

"Alli? Don't friends usually give each other nicknames?" She asks.

"That's exactly why I did it." I told her.

She look awfully surprised when I said that, but then let out a big smile. She looked over my shoulder and began to frown. I look what she was frowning at, it was Bender. He was walking right towards us, I gave Allison an 'Oh god...' look.

"Hey!" Bender says very happily before trying to kiss me, but I turn away last second so it lands on my cheek.

He pulled back, looking very confused. "What the hell?"

"Oh, now you wanna kiss me? What? Because all your friends aren't around? If all you're gonna do is sneak around with me so your friends don't know about us you're gonna have to find someone else to sneak around with because I'm not doing that. I deserved to be loved out and proudly, not in the shadows because you're afraid of what your so called "friends" would say and think of you."

I went to walk away with Allison, but someone grabbed my arm and lightly pushed me against the lockers. Bender was looking at me with a sad expression on his face.

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