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I lay awake in my bed, feeling the frame shifting every time Uriah tosses and turns as he sleeps away on the top bunk.

It's been a struggle trying to fall asleep. Not knowing if Eric and Tobias were even dead or alive was like a slow torture. So, sleep has been the last thing on my mind lately.

Just the sheer reminder of how many days it's been since I'd last saw them makes a pit form in my stomach.

I turn onto my side, squeezing my eyes shut and willing sleep to claim me, but all I see when I close my eyes is Eric's back as he walks away from me.

After another hour of just lying around, I push myself to my feet and head outside for some fresh air.

I see that it's already light out and step into the hallway, only to be cut off by Zeke, who almost barrels over me.

"Nessa!" He grips my shoulders, doubles-over and breathes hard.

"Zeke, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," He pants, "I just ran here really fast."

I frown at him, "What's going on?"

"He's alive," He says, "Four's alive. He's here."

My eyes widen at the news and I grab Zeke by the elbow pulling him further down the hallway.

"Where is he?"

Zeke takes another quick second to catch his breath before he starts leading down a stairwell to the ground floor.

"Hey, they're with us." I hear Tori's voice say before they even come into view.

"We know who you are," Another voice replies, a male's this time.

My breath hitches when my eyes finally land on Tobias and Tris, both of them stuck in a stand-off with the guards that surrounded them.

"What are you guys doing?" I demand, rushing forward when Zeke stops me.

"Nessa, don't." He pulls me back with a hand on my arm.

"Last warning, drop your guns." The guard warns, nudging his gun towards them.

"Woah, alright. Easy," Tobias says, "I'm putting the gun down."

The guards move immediately, cuffing Tobias and Tris up, and I chase after them.

"Where have you been?" I ask, keeping up pace beside my brother as he's taken away.

"I'll explain later," He tells me before asking, "Have you seen Eric lately?"

My heart squeezes at his question, "Eric? No, I haven't seen him since we left Abnegation." I tell him, "Why?"

Tobias frowns, "He was after us. He's working for Jeanine."

The piece of information shocks me and I shake my head, "What? No! If he is, there must be a reason why-"

Tobias stops for a moment despite the guard's protest and demands for him to move, meeting my gaze with sympathetic eyes.

"I know it's hard," He starts, "But I think it's time we consider the possibility that we've misread him all this time, V."

"What?" I breathe, the air feeling like it's been knocked out of my lung, "No, Toby. He saved me-"

"Keep moving!" The guard shoves Tobias forward before I could get the rest of my sentence out.

Tobias's words have my mind racing. After everything, I'm not sure what to think, but deep down I guess a part of me knows Eric well enough that he isn't that cold-hearted killer he comes across as.

My brother glances over his shoulder at me and for some reason, I get the feeling there's more that he's not telling me.

Deciding not to worry about it right now, I whirl around to see Zeke standing behind. His brows are knitted together, obviously having heard the conversation that went down between Tobias and I.

"What do you think?" I ask him, my voice coming out a little shaky. "Was I wrong about him?"

"Honestly, Nessa." Zeke sighs, "I think you're the only person that could truly answer that question. None of us knows him like you do. The only time I've seen him be remotely nice to anyone is when...he's with you."

"Can I please speak to Mr Kang?" I pleaded with the man standing guard outside of Mr Kang's office once more.

He remains stoic, keeping his gaze forward like he sees right through me.

Frustrated, I turn to the guard next to him who looks a little more sympathetic toward my situation.

"Please? I'll just take a minute."

"Factional law must be upheld," I hear Mr Kang's voice filtering through the wooden door and the worry in my chest doubles.

The guard, a little younger than the other, looks torn but he ultimately says, "I'm sorry, Miss Eaton. But we can't let you in."

Running a hand through my hair with a deep sigh, I nod. "I understand."

I turn on my heels as though I'm about to leave, before making a one-eighty at the last second, successful taking them off guard and bathing through the door.

The guards inside startle at my intrusion, training their guns at me and I raise my hands in surrender.

"It's alright, officers." He says, "Lower your guns."

The men do as they're told and the two guards outside resume their position, closing the door behind them as they leave.

"I'm sorry for barging in like this, Mr Kang." I say, "But you can't punish innocent people and they haven't done anything wrong."

"Vanessa, I'm terribly sorry, but all I know for certain is that they're wanted for criminal insurgency and conspiring in the attack of Abnegation." Mr Kang sighs, "Having said that, given the circumstances, I'm unfortunately obliged to hand them over to the council."

"I understand that you have responsibilities, Mr Kang." I say, "But all I'm asking is that you at least hear them out." I plead, "There has to be some kind of compromise. Please. He's my brother, I can't lose him."

He looks away thoughtfully, but I see the way his eyes soften before he lifts his gaze to Tobias. "I believe you had a question?"

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