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    "I promise I'm fine," I reassure Eric for what felt like the hundredth time today.

Thankfully, my hand- while mottled with bruises- had not sustained any broken bones or fractures. Still, that hadn't stopped Eric from worrying like a brooding, jacked-up mother hen.

He has been fussing over me ever since the fight died down. And despite my constant insistence that I was feeling fine, Eric's worry didn't seem to quell.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he runs a finger over my bruised hand gently, before bringing it up to his lips for a light kiss.

"On the bright side, at least your mum's ring didn't get destroyed," I joked to lighten the mood, "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to wear it into a full-out war."

I felt a little dumb for not considering the possibility that I could've lost the ring in the fight, but I was so giddy with the excitement of Eric and I's engagement that it hadn't even crossed my mind.

"I don't care about the damn ring, Nessa." Clearly, my joke hadn't done anything to raise Eric's spirits.

"But it was your mother's," I protested.

"Yeah, but it wouldn't hold the same meaning if it wasn't on your finger," He said vehemently, "All it would be is a reminder of what I had lost."

I snuggled into Eric's side, stretching up to kiss him. We spent the night in the glass room again, and at this point, it felt like we had made this our new home.

While I loved Eric's old apartment, this place was sentimental to me because it was where we shared all of our best moments together, and I couldn't help but feel a strong inclination towards it. So, this arrangement was perfect for us, really.

Eric's rough fingers tangled into my hair, messing up the strands that were already unruly from sleep even more as he hauled me towards his body until I was straddling him.

He groans into my lips, hands sliding over my body when an urgent knock sounds at our door.

"Fucking hell," He curses, "There's always got to be something, huh?"

I chuckled, kissing him deeply once more before I pushed myself out of bed. Looking over my shoulder, I smile as I watch Eric roll out of bed, still grumbling under his breath about the untimely disturbance.

My attention is dragged back towards the door at the sound of another set of hurried knocks, sounding more urgent this time.

Worry was starting to set in now. Whoever was on the other side of that door was pounding as if the building was on fire.

My fingers are curled around the handle, ready to let whoever it was in when Eric stops me. Rushing past me as he pulls a shirt over his head, he nudges me out of the way.

"Stay behind me," He instructs.

As I watched Eric straighten his back like he was getting himself ready in case we had to fight our way out of an ambush, I found myself doing the same.

The moment Eric pulls the door open, Zeke barges through with Uriah close behind him.

"Thank god," He gasps, "About fucking time."

He helps himself into our living room, pacing the ground as he runs his hand through his hair.

There were only a few times I've ever seen Zeke look like that. The first was when he and Uriah had rushed to save me from my father during Visiting Day. The next was when we couldn't find Tobias after the attack on Abnegation. And then again when he found me in Erudite Headquarters ready to turn myself in.

And that was how I knew that something had gone very wrong.

"Zeke, talk to me," I said with barely contained panic, "What happened?"

"Four's back," He blurts out.

I look from him to his brother, who wore a matching frown, and back again.

"Alone?" Eric spoke up for the first time since the Pedrad brothers' intrusion.

"Yeah," Zeke replies in a rush, "And the Factionless has him."

I looked at Eric in alarm. As much as I liked to think that my mother wouldn't allow Tobias to be harmed, the way that she has been acting since her return doesn't instil much faith in me.

"Do you know how this happened?" I questioned, and it was Uriah who answered this time.

"We're not sure, but word is that he was crossing the wall when they were patrolling."

"We have to get him out," I said firmly, "I don't trust my mother with him."

"Agreed," Zeke says, "The question is, how are we going to pull that off? Everyone's on high alert after the fight, and now this? They're going to have their guards up. There's no way we're getting past them without a fight."

Anxiety and frustration settled in my chest. Nobody wants to feel this helpless, especially when a loved one is in danger.

"There has to be something we can do," I muttered, mostly to myself because I didn't want anyone else to feel pressured to have to step in when so much was at stake.

I glanced up at the boys. Uriah and Zeke both had matching pondering looks, while Eric...he was only looking at me like no one else in this room mattered.

"I can do it," Eric says after a beat and everyone turns to him in surprise.

"How?" Zeke asks with narrowed eyes. He takes in Eric's expression appraisingly when the latter stays silent. and then shakes his head, "I don't make a habit of trading lives, Eric. Neither does anyone else here. Think of another plan."

"Why don't we gather the others," I tell Zeke, "We're going to need all the help we can get."

Zeke nods, "Got it, we'll call a meeting and meet you guys downstairs."

The Pedrads leave and I turn on Eric the moment the door clicks shut behind them.

"I thought we agreed that you'd stop trying to sacrifice yourself every chance you get?"

Eric leans back against the back of the couch, his gaze boring into me intensely. "I didn't agree to that, Nessa. I can't."

"Why not?" I demanded, feeling frustrated at his constant need to throw himself headfirst into danger.

"Because I know that if it ever comes down to it, I'll still give my life for you every time," He answered so simply as if he had been pointing out the obvious.

I sighed, shaking my head, "I don't want you to risk your life for me, Eric. I just want you," I repeat the words I've told him once before, hoping that it sinks in this time.

There's a furrow in his brows, "We need to save Four, Nessa. I can do it. You can't lose your brother."

"I can't lose you, too!" I yelled, "You are not disposable, Eric!"

Instead of a response, he steps forward, hands sliding around my waist as he kisses me fiercely.

"I've never had anything like this before," He confesses when he pulls away, and it breaks my heart at the thought that he always felt like he was the replaceable one in all of his relationships, romantic or not. "I can't promise you anything because I hate seeing you hurt, but I'll try."

Raising on my toes, I kiss him again. Baby steps.

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