12 First day Of School/ Baby!?/PARENTS

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Travis's P.O.V
It was the first day of Kindergarten for Sophia I swear she looked so sad and yeah Jackson has been going to school but Sophia had been home schooled because she had something wrong with her brain when she was born at times she'd blank off she was like a robot at times they would have a problem and just shut off Sophia's kinda like that it's just she doesn't need batteries to power back on on our way there Za-Zuri's overprotective motherly instincts turned on "Maybe we should just home school her?" Sophia started talking "YEAH! PLEASE DADDY!" I sighed "we've been over this a thousand times we can't home school her forever she needs more friends than just Max, Jackson, Lilith, and Molly" I said a little annoyed "but soon in a couple weeks I'll-" his eyes widened "g-give b-birth" h-she finished my eyes widened "hospital?" he- DAMN IT- SHE! nodded "hospital!" I made a quick turn luckily the hospital was close I made one more turn and went straight into the parking lot me and Sophia unbuckled our seat belts I went to Zan-ZURI'S side unbuckling his seatbelt carrying hi-HER (As other Authors say) 'Bridal Style' We all ran in the hospital "what's wrong sir?" "H-SHE'S GIVING BIRTH" the lady's eyes widened she called the emergency room they came and got Zane-FUCK I MEAN ZURI WHY IS THIS SO HARD JUST ONE FRIGGIN WEEK JUST ONE


??? P.O.V
I was driving to my son's house when I got a Text

Son:uuhhh Dad

Dad:yes son?

Son:Well uh My wife is giving birth to our third child so um please meet us at the hospital

Dad:Okay son

Son:thanks see ya soon


Sophia's P.O.V
[oooh new P.O.V]
I was sitting in a chair sitting on auntie Aphmau's lap Jackson was with Uncle Blueberry(Dante)they picked him up Uncle Aaron was holding Lilith she was sleeping Mommy screamed once again I cringed tears filled my eyes I began crying Jackson ran over to me "don't cry Sophie" Jackson tried calming me "B-but Mommy is screaming s-she sound like she h-hurt" I clinched on harder to Auntie Aphmau's shirt "she's okay I'm guessing all people scream when dey give birth" he reassured me "O-okay" I nodded "wanna go play?" I asked him he nodded then we went to go play later we heard another scream but we knew it wasn't Mommy it was DADDY?! then Daddy walked out and said "Triplets...." everyone's eyes widened including mine and Jackson's "1 boy and 2 girls..." after Daddy said that he went back in and came out with Mommy and three little babies Auntie Aph Uncle Vylad and Grandma Zi ran up and each took a baby Daddy told us they did the exact same thing except for Aphmau

A/N:and my stupid self forgot to ask for names again....Oh My Irene I'll name one and I'll leave the other two for you guys kay?

One was named Rose Mommy and Daddy doesn't know what to name the other two SO IT'S YOUR JOB TO COMMENT DOWN WHAT NAMES YOU'D LIKE- whoa what the how did that just come out my mouth woah was that like a weird mind burb or something I-i'm just gonna ignore that it was still daytime so Daddy decided to make me still go to school UGH WHY COULDN'T BIRTH TAKE LONGER! school was only half done it was Lunch time Daddy gave me my lunch and walked me to my kindergarten classroom Mrs.Ryan's class room I now go to Ridge Lawn(My school) I walked in and saw my new classmates and my teacher I shyly power walked to the teachers desk hoping no one would notice me I tapped the teachers shoulder but before I could I had one of my power outs-Ah! The teacher shook me "Sophia?" I blushed in embarrassment I nodded "sorry...I had one of my power outs..." she looked confused "when I was born I had a problem with my brain so I get power outs it's like my whole body shuts off" I told her "oh right we got Ms. Sunny(a made up name) to help you so she'll be with you most of the time so when you have your 'power outs' she'll wake you up okay?" I nodded she sent me off to play with the kid when I saw-



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