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"Thanks guys.." Vylad mumbled as they all nodded. They all said things like 'No problem!' 'Our pleasure!' And 'Whatever..' that one especially came from Zane. As everyone continued talking to Vlyad and trying to cheer him up, Zane silently walked out the door. And only one person noticed, Travis. Travis quietly followed Zane and noticed he was walking towards the Ocean Household. Where Dante and Vylad lived, and thought 'Aww! He's being a big brother!' And watched Zane knock on the door.

"No one's home."
"Let me in."
"I am going to break your door."
"You're not Garroth."
"Yeah, you're right. But I can still do it."
Next thing Dante knew, the door was open. And broken too. "Wow." He mumbled softly "Don't underestimate me." Zane stated walking inside. "Now, I'm going to tell you something." Dante shook his head and sighed "No. I don't want to hear it-" "Dante. I understand you're sad about Gene....and honestly I am too.". Travis then paused and tilted his head. Zane was actually sad? About Gene?! This pissed Travis off a bit, but wanted to hear a of it first.

"Listen up! Gene might have gotten in between me and Travis and did piss me off a lot. But he was my first, and the first time is always gonna be special. Even if it doesn't end well. And don't get me wrong, I love Travis, he's great." Zane then looked down at the ring on his finger. "But I guess Gene's still gonna have a place in my heart, even if I do really REALLY wanna murder him sometimes. And I know that you're his brother, and you care for Gene a lot. And we're all sad about his death. But you can't take your anger out on Vylad. He did nothing wrong. It was Gene who made the bad desicions, leading to this moment. And I know how you feel right now, we all know I used to be in a very dark place. And I was you. I took my anger out on everyone. And it wasn't right. So just don't make the same mistakes I did. Go apologize. While you have the chance. Before everything is ruined." Zane finished.

Travis was even more pissed. Dante was shocked. Zane. The emo. The outcast. The odd on out(James)! Had talked to him like that. And it warmed his heart. Dante then stood up and looked Zane in the eye. "Thank you." and Zane nodded and pointed towards the door. "Go get em' tiger.". Dante smiled and proudly marched out the door. Zane watched him walk out and took a deep breath. "And Travis? We're gonna need to have a serious talk about stalking people."

Travis paused in fear "....okay...."

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