Married to Dean Winchester: Part Two

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The next morning, you wake to find the bed cold and empty. You can hear shuffling in the kitchen, and realize Dean must be getting ready to leave for the hunt.

You change quickly, then go downstairs to see him before he leaves.

When you get to the kitchen, Sam and Dean are just about to head out. Dean sees you and rushes over, hugging you.

"I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn't wake you.." Dean apologizes.

"No, no I wanted to see you before you left." You quickly assure him.

"Okay.. well we were just heading out." He looks at you, his puppy eyes betraying his disappointment at leaving.

"Okay. Bye, be safe." You say and lightly kiss him.

You watch as him and Sam go out the door, Dean turning to wave at you before he goes out.

You smile, knowing they're out fighting the evil of the world. You walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast for yourself.

After you're done, you decide you might as well clean the house while Dean is gone, so it's ready for him when he gets back.

A couple hours later, you collapse on the couch after vacuuming and sigh, satisfied. Hearing a crash that sounds like shattering glass coming from a back room, you frown and jump up, quickly locating one of Dean's emergency shotguns.

"Who's there?" You call out.

You feel a rush of air and suddenly you're on the ground, blacking out.

When you wake up, you're tied to a chair and gagged, and a man with his back to you is standing in front of you.

You grunt, and the man turns around with a smirk.

His eyes aren't human. You should've known. The demon that Sam and Dean are out hunting.

"Well look who decided to wake up." The demon says in a deep voice. He walks towards you with a glint in his eyes. "If I take this out of your mouth will you be a good girl?" He asks you.

He removes the cloth from your mouth and you sneer at him. "You have no idea who you're messing with. My husband is gonna kick your ass."

He smiles without humor. "Oh. But I know exactly who you are. You're the wife of Dean Winchester. And I happen to know that he will find you, and do anything to save you."

You bite my tongue, knowing that he's not wrong.

"Ahhh and I see that you know I'm right." He says, seeing your face contort in fear. "See, I'm not stupid. I want your husband to find me. But I want him to know that I hold the cards that he wants. So, we're going to have a little chat."

The demon grabs your cellphone and reaches your contact for Dean. No, no, no. Dean, do not fall for this. You plead in your brain.

You can hear Dean's voice on the other end of the line.

"She's here. And yes, she's fine. But not for long unless you do what I say." The demon threatens.

Dean's voice becomes agitated as he yells vicious words at what he's going to do to the demon once he finds him.

You watch as the demons face grows iritated.

He growls and cuts Dean off, "Maybe this will make you shut up and think."

You don't realize what he's doing until he pulls out a knife and slashes it across your chest harshly, causing you to scream through clenched teeth.

Dean yells some more choice words then disconnects the phone with a promise to you that everything will be okay.

The blood begins to discolor your shirt. You feel dizzy from pain and blood loss, but hold on to Dean's promise. You know you have to be ready to help in any way you can.

The demon paces the length of the living room, waiting for Dean's appearance.

The front door slams open and Dean appears, aiming his gun at the demon's chest.

"Where is she you son of a bitch?!" He yells in fury.

The demon steps aside, revealing you, half conscious.

"Hun, are you okay?" He asks you, his eyes not moving from the man.

You only groan as a response.

The demon begins to laugh at Dean's attempt to trap him.

"You really think I would let you waltz in and take a shot at me?" He smirks.

Dean smirks back. "No. But I have a feeling that you forgot I have a brother."

At that moment, Sam bursts through the door to the kitchen and stabs the demon in the chest, sending him to his knees.

In one last motion, the demon lunges towards your and opens your mouth, forcing some kind of powder down your throat. He then slides to the ground, breathing heavily.

You can't breath. Your chest heaves as your body tries to keep you alive.

Dean rushes towards you, and seeing you fighting to stay alive, he grabs the demon by the front of his shirt.

"What was that?!" He yells.

The demon smirks one last time. "Poison." And he falls limp as a storm of black smoke escapes the mouth of the meat suit.

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