Married to Dean Winchester: Part Four (Epilogue Part One)

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"Sammy drive faster, dammit!" Dean was near hysterical as he shouts at Sam who is driving the impala as Dean sits in the back with you.

Pain rips through you once again, and you grab Dean's hand and squeeze it even tighter, him barely flinching at the grip.

"You're okay, you'll be okay, okay?" Dean frantically pushes the hair out of your face and looks into your tired eyes.

Sam swerves into the hospital parking lot and Dean picks you up and throws open the hospital doors, grabbing the attention of the doctors and nurses milling around. A stretcher is brought and you are laid on it, Dean never letting you get more than a few inches away from his reach.

Soon, you're hooked up to various wires and machines, nurses wandering in and out occasionally to check on things, Sam went to get food, and Dean is still by your side looking down at you worriedly.

You feel better now that you are in the care of nurses and doctors, so you attempt to calm down Dean.

"Dean, I'm okay," You laugh softly at how worried he is over something so normal. "I'm only pregnant, I'm not dying," You tease him. You reach out a hand to touch his face, and he leans into the touch.

"I know, I know, I just need everything to be okay," he says, his face still betraying the stress and worry he is going through.

"And it will be," You smile, though it's a tired smile.

You both look up as a doctor and a couple of nurses come into the room.

The doctor smiles kindly at you. "Your contractions are getting closer, it shouldn't be much longer now," He informs you, then walks back out, one nurse staying behind to look at all of the data again.

You turn to look at Dean, catching his gaze, both of you feeling tired but happy, and ready to start this new chapter in your lives.

~time skip sponsored by the Samulet~

"STOP TELLING ME TO PUSH I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH." You want to scream at the doctor.

You're covered in sweat and want to pass out from being so utterly exhausted, but then you look at your husband's worried but hopeful bright green eyes and they remind you to keep fighting. So you do.

~time skip sponsored by Dean's pie~

A few hours later, an even more exhausted you opens your eyes tiredly and blinks.

"Dean?" You call out softly into the hospital room.

Suddenly his face comes into you view and you relax until you become confused by the lack of noise... it's too quiet.

"Dean.. where.. where is everyone?" You whisper, afraid of the answer.

His eyes shift nervously, and you can hear in his voice when he answers that he's trying to stay positive for your sake.

"The doctors didn't tell me much.. there was just a lot of commotion, and- and I didn't understand what they were talking about..."

Tears form in your eyes and your stomach lurches painfully.

"They took her into another room to try to help," he finishes, trying to avoid your gaze.

Her. It's a her.

The door opens, startling you from your trance and Dean quickly asks for news.

The doctor gives a small smile.

"She wasn't breathing when she came out, but she seems to be responding nicely now. We're going to keep the both of you overnight to make sure everything is okay, but you should be good to go."

You let out a strangled noise that's between a sob and a laugh. She's okay. You're all okay. You're going to be a family.

~time skip sponsored by Sammy's hair conditioner~

It's been a week with your new family, and Dean and you couldn't be happier. Your daughter, Marie, recovered and got to come home with you a couple days after the delivery. You were always exhausted, never fully having recovered from giving birth before you had to go full swing into being awake all hours of the night to care for your newborn daughter. Dean was the most supportive husband you could ask for, and he was determined to help both little Marie and you as much as possible. Sam also helped, thrilled at being an uncle to his little niece. Everything was perfect. Until the topic that you were trying to avoid became unavoidable.

Sam walked into the house to find Dean sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast while you balanced Marie on your hip as you finished making her bottle.

"Good morning Sam," You greet, though not looking up, used to him walking in throughout the day.

When he doesn't respond, you eventually glance up. He's standing awkwardly by the table shifting from foot to foot, holding his laptop and glancing at Dean.

"Is everything okay Sam?" You ask, shifting Marie in your arms and feeding her the bottle.

He looks at you nervously, then glances back at Dean, who watches him as though seconding your question.

Sam sighs and takes a seat, setting his laptop on the table.

"We.. we haven't really talked about what we would do when a hunt comes up," he finally says.

Dean and you look at each other, and you watch his eyes as they shift to Marie in your arms peacefully drinking her milk.

His eyes shift to you, and you know he wants you to be the one to decide.

"I... I need Dean to be safe, and I need our family to be safe. I need Dean to be here to protect Marie and I," You pause, and see that Sam and Dean both have disappointed looks that they're trying to hide, and you continue.

"But what better way is there to protect us than hunting the creatures that could be lurking under her bed," You finish, and the brothers look up surprised and relieved. You let out a small laugh at their reactions.

"Are you sure?" Dean asks you, wanting to make sure you're truly okay with it.

"Yes, I'm sure," You smile and give a small nod.

He grins back at you and turns to Sam. "Well you heard the lady, what do you have for us today, Sammy?"

Sam laughs, "It's Sam."

"It's whatever the hell I want it to be."

"Shh, language," You chide him half-heartedly, looking down at Marie with a soft smile.

Dean's face instantly changes into one of guilt and he apologizes, looking at Marie as well, and Sam and you laugh.

Maybe everything will stay perfect after all.

Authors Note
Oh my word I'm sO sorry it took me so long to update!! I honestly wasn't expecting this to get so many reads so quickly. But it's finally here! I may continue Marie's story, but it will probably be awhile before I have time to publish more.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! 💕


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