Married to Dean Winchester: Part Three (The End)

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You wake up in your bed.

You gasp, the memories flooding back. You bolt upright, but immediately regret doing so.

A hand presses on your shoulder, trying to get you to lay back down. You look over to see Sam.

"Thank God you're awake. But you need to take it easy." He smiles wryly.

You carefully do so, and groan as your body relaxes again.

"Where.... where's Dean?" You ask, afraid of the answer.

"He's okay. He's outside talking to Ellen." Sam replies.

"Ellen?" You ask worriedly. The brothers only called on Ellen when something was seriously wrong.

"You.. you've been out for a week." Sam finally says. "We called Ellen and she brought some medicine that she's been giving you every day.

A week.

Your eyes flicker up as you see the door to the bedroom open, and you see the worried face of Dean.

"Oh my God. You're awake." Dean sees you awake and runs over, hugging you to his chest.

When you pull apart, you see a lone tear falling down his cheek. You gently wipe it away with your thumb and bring his face to meet yours in a kiss. His eyes close, and you feel him relax with relief.

Sam clears his throat beside you, and you both look up to see him and Ellen standing by the bed.

You smile gratefully at Ellen and she leans down to hug you.

"I'm glad your feeling better, sweetie." She says in your ear.

A wave of dizziness comes over you, and you grab onto Dean's arm to steady yourself. He immediately reacts, helping you lay back down.

"You okay?" He asks you, with a concerned Ellen and Sam peering from behind his shoulder.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." You plaster a smile on your face to assure him.

You notice that Ellen has been shifting nervously, and eventually she clears her throat.

"Er, could I uh, talk to you two alone?" Ellen asks, motioning to you and Dean.

You glance at each other and frown, but nod. "Of course." Dean replies.

Sam quickly goes out of the room and closes the door behind him.

Dean is still sitting on the bed beside you, clinging to your hand as if that alone is keeping you alive, as Ellen begins to talk.

"Well, you know I've been giving you some medicine everyday..." She begins, motioning to you.

You nod, signaling for her to continue.

"I, well I discovered something, during the process." She continues, but pauses.

"Ellen, what is it?" Dean asks, getting more worried.

"You're pregnant." She finishes, looking at you.

You gasp and Dean's mouth drops open.

"You're sure?" He whispers out.

She nods, smiling. "I'll leave you two alone for awhile." She says as she hurries out of the room.

You're still staring dumbstruck at the wall, processing her words. We're gonna have a family!

Dean suddenly gets up from the bed and walks a couple steps away with his back facing you.

You frown at his sudden reaction.

"Dean? Are you okay? I thought.. I thought you were ready for this. We had talked about it and I guess I assumed that you were ready and..." You begin to ramble, scared at his actions. You stop yourself. "Dean! Answer me!"

You begin to cry, scared that he's not ready and will leave you.

As if the sound of your crying brought Dean back to attention, he whirls around and comes back to you, taking your hands in his.

"No, hun, stop crying. I'm ready if you are." He brushes your hair out of your face and soothes you as you hiccup, a side effect caused by crying.

"Then why," hiccup, "why were you upset?" You sniffle.

Dean sighes and his arm falls to his lap.

"It's just that if I hadn't gotten there, or if the medicine didn't work, I would've lost you and the baby. What kind of father will I be if I can't even protect you?"

"That's so," sniffle, "stupid." You get out, finally calming down. "You did get there in time and the medicine did work. You can't always protect me, but you always come through in the end. I signed up for this by marrying you. I knew the costs and I did it anyway. I love you Dean Winchester. You're the best husband in the universe and you're going to be the best father too." You look him straight in the eyes as you speak.

He stares at you in shock, surprised by your sudden speech.

"You're amazing." He breathes out. He cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you passionately, proving his words. He closes his eyes and leans his forehead against yours. "I love you so much. And I'll love our baby too. I'll never leave you and I will always fight my hardest to protect you and our child."

You smile, knowing you made the right choice in your life.

You could never ask for a better husband than Dean Winchester.

Author's Note

Well there's that. I hope you guys liked it! This was a whole lot of fun to write, since Dean would be the most amazing husband ever.

For more x Reader imagines check out my book Imagine That which will hopefully be published soon. That will have imagines for multiple different fandoms, and I will accept requests.


Will they have a boy or a girl? And what would they name it? Will they raise their baby as a hunter or will Dean be forced to leave the family business for good?

Comment if you want it continued or not, and be sure to include your ideas to the questions above!


Married to Dean Winchester (x Reader Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now