Married to Dean Winchester: Part Five (Epilogue Part Two)

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"Marie, lunch is ready!"

Light footsteps patter down the stairs before a curly-haired blonde four year old with big green eyes and a face of scattered freckles bounces into the kitchen.

She scampers over to her seat at the table and can barely contain her endless energy as you pour some goldfish onto her plate and bring it over to her. You chuckle a bit at her excitement as her small hands grab a couple of fish. The girl loves food almost as much as her father.

"Momma when is Daddy and Uncle Sammy coming home?" She asks while stuffing her sandwich into her mouth.

You turn to get some apple juice from the fridge, trying not to frown. Sam and Dean had been gone almost a week now, and weren't expected back for a couple more days. It was harder than you had thought it would be for them to be gone from Marie and you for so long at a time. Having to entertain a curious and energetic four year old by yourself as well as cleaning and cooking had been taking its toll on you, but you had to put your concerns aside for her.

You turn back around with a smile, setting her cup next to her plate. "Any day now, sweetheart." You poke her nose with your finger and she giggles.

By that afternoon, you were ready for a nap. Ever since giving birth, you've been getting frequent headaches, and it doesn't help that the nights that Dean is gone you're never able to sleep very well. He's usually there to calm you down enough to sleep, and when he's gone, you're only more stressed than usual. After a few days, you're running low on energy and usually in a fair amount of pain from the tension building in your neck and head.

"Marie?" You poke your head into her room to find her on the floor playing with her stuffed animals. "Do you think you'll be okay playing if I take a quick nap?"

"Yeah!" She replies happily, and you sigh in relief.

"I'll be in my room if you need me, okay?"

"Okay mommy!" She returns her attention to her playing, so you head to your room, excited for this chance to sleep even if it's only for a brief time.

You strip your clothes off and change into one of Dean's shirts and some lounge shorts. Climbing into bed, you sigh as you bring the covers up to your chin and snuggle deeper into the sheets, but it feels as if your eyes have only just closed when they shoot open again. You sit upright in the bed, sensing that something is wrong. You slowly open the door of the bedroom and step out. You walk down the hall a few steps to look inside Marie's room. Her toys are scattered on the floor and there is no sign of her in the room. Hearing a crash from the direction of the kitchen, you rush towards the noise.

"Marie!" You burst into the kitchen, prepared for the worst. You know you should have been relieved at the sight in front of you, but the exhaustion and draining adrenaline only made you irritated.

The crash you had heard wasn't anything supernatural, unless you count one small child having the ability to make such a mess.

Marie looks at you with wide, seemingly innocent, eyes. "Hi momma, I'm making a snack!" Her face, and rest of her body, and the counter, and the floor, and the wall, has splatters of peanut butter and strawberry jelly.

You let out a noise between a sigh and a groan, but try to bury your rising frustration. "I can see that," is what you force yourself to say instead of snapping something you would regret. You step carefully around the mess on the floor to reach her, ready to just grab her and put her straight in the bathtub, but you realize the colors on her shirt are more than just the jelly. "Marie... what's on your shirt?"

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