Phone Call

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Chapter Seven: Phone Call

There she stands in absolutely flawless grace, an angel sent from above to teach me how to feel again. Her natural dirty blonde hair blows around her in the wind like a Victoria's Secret model in a costly photo shoot. The world I'm standing on seems to crumble under me, causing me to trip and fall at her feet. A fire lights up in my heart, kindling brighter and brighter from the sight of her on my doorstep. My perspective altered drastically from the moment I'd first laid eyes on her, a modification that caused a chain reaction inside me. 

"Hey, Sarah," Ashley says in a sing-song voice, as cheerful as a bird singing in the morning. 

My jaw tenses up, nerves at an uncompromising high. "Hey, Ashley. What're you doing here?" I say, failing to notice three girls behind Ashley, all of them giggling from a private joke. 

Ashley's cheeks flush with color, a huge smile on her face for reasons I couldn't possibly explain. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today." She answers, anxiety being subject to her every breath. 

"I'd love to hang out, but we still have to get settled into our house. Maybe later. . ." I say in distress and sadness. 

Jason views me with a shocked look, surprised to see me turn down an amazing opportunity. "Don't worry about it sis. Go ahead with them; I'll take care of things here." He encourages, giving me no excuse to turn this chance down. 

"Thanks Jay, I'll see you later then." I reply, grinning from ear to ear from the chance to spend time with Ashley. I snatch my purple sunglasses off the small wooden desk next to the door, settling them on the bridge of my nose. My sensitivity to the sun is now protected by the shaded lenses of my sunglasses. Ashley takes my hand, shepherding me in the background of the leisurely walk of her three friends.  

All three of them giggle in unison, skipping along happily together as Ashley and I walk silently side by side. Neither of us says one single word to each other, my silence from the many thoughts running through my head. Our fingertips touch, the temptation to take hold of her delicate hand greatly intensifies. If her friends are giving us some space, does that mean she likes me? I flash a smile at her, gaining enough courage to capture her hand in mine. 

A captivating smile forms on the flawless features of her face, just one glance inside her eyes and you can see her soul. There's pain hidden in the depths and crevices of her past mental scars. She has a beautiful smile, more breathtaking than any others because of what she's been through. Her grip on my hand condenses, seeming to be glad I took the first move. Ashley's friends stop in front of a light tan, 19th century, original two-story house. 

A few of the neighbors gawk from inside their air-conditioned houses, seeing Ashley and I holding hands like a couple. Let them think what they want; their judgment means absolutely nothing to me. We bring up the rear of Ashley's friends as one of them unlocks the front door, letting us all inside. The inside is spectacular, a luxurious home fit for a king and a queen. We're motioned over to the milk white couch that centers the whole room. My phone in my right pocket of my skinny jeans begins to vibrate and ring outrageously, causing a huge uproar. I pick it out of my pocket, the noise level increasing until I slide the bar across the touch screen, answering the call. "Hello?" I say into the speaker of my phone. Once again no voice replies, only eerie silence follows. As I'm about to hang up, intense screeching comes from the speaker, making me cringe in pain. Horrifying screaming followed the sharp sound sending chills down my spine. "HELP ME!" is yelped repeatedly as if in complete agony of torture. Suddenly the unknown caller hangs up, leaving me shaken. Ashley yanks on my arm, a clueless smile on her face. I return the smile, telling myself there's no need to alarm her or get her involved. She's an innocent bystander in this situation, no one is going to die because of me like last time, and I won't allow it.

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