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***New Chapter :D This part is all in Sophia's point of view so you will see all of her dark thoughts. She'll even go into a little of Sarah's past and why it's only her and Jason. A few new characters are slightly introduced and one of her henchman or henchwoman will surprise you. Anyways I hope you enjoy :)***

Chapter Eighteen: Twisted

Sophia's P.O.V.

I trudged past the doors, taking in the soothing wind that progressed through. My breath came out in annoyed puffs, not only from seeing the one girl I lusted for with someone else, but knowing she didn't want me back at any time in the future. It didn't matter a single bit to me though, it only made me begin my assault with even more ferocity. What I desired, I always got, no matter how hard it was to win. The satisfaction of breaking someone was always a huge turn-on for me. 

The memory was way too fresh in my mind, it brought my teeth to my lip, nipping at it as I felt what I'd felt at the time. All the pleasure of destroying Sarah Starwell’s heart and soul, making her fall to her knees in defeat. All that suffering made me exhilarated. It only made me want to pursue her even more. When I finally got her in my clutches, Sarah would be mine and only mine. If Sarah denied the love she felt for me, then I would just torture her till she begged to be mine.  

Sarah always claimed that I only wanted her for my selfish needs, that I didn't love her. She's never been more wrong. Why would I even seek her out after all the times she'd abandoned me if I didn't love her? Only Sarah had ever made me feel the way I did when I was around her. The only reason she ran from me is her parent’s death. When they died she automatically blamed me, saying I was a grotesque monster. I never got to explain myself, she just kept putting up a fight.  

Maybe it had been partly my fault, but I didn't kill them personally. The Starwell’s have royal blood, everyone's been searching for the remainder of them, knowing that they're the most powerful. Especially Sarah; her feisty spirit made her the most dangerous, though I saw through her exterior. Deep inside she'd never hurt someone purposefully. Even at the times I'd begged her to show me that dangerous side to her by inflicting pain on an innocent. 

During those times, Sarah resisted and chose to not talk to me for weeks at a time. Then I told myself to give her a fake apology and say that's not what I really wanted, even if I desired it more than anything. I knew that she was naturally sweet, but I also knew that I could break her of that tedious attitude and make her who she really is. Her parents had been so pathetic, teaching her what they thought was right and wrong; nothing is wrong to do to a person if they're weak and not worthy of life. 

I laughed as her parents burned within the fire of what had been their home. Their deaths had been so treacherous, and so thrilling, even when I hadn't caused it. I'd made sure Sarah was out of the house before it'd been put to flames, but she'd been a fool and saved her dearest brother; another worthless member of society. He'd never cared for me; always telling Sarah that I wasn't good for her. Despite Jason's warnings, I'd lured her to me, being the only one that she felt she wanted. 

A footstep sounded from behind me, breaking me of my thoughts. Reddish brown locks of hair blew around the pale girl's inverted triangle face; her hard hazel eyes gazed into my own amber . "Mistress Sophia, you must come back with me to the car. Our sisters need you back with them. Our hunt for Sarah will be continued on your orders at a later time. We cannot afford to be reckless." 

I looked upon her, irritated, but at the same time, happy that she'd caught me before I went and did something against the plan. Audrey would be both rewarded and punished for her crime once Sarah was back in my arms. "Thank you Audrey, but you don't tell me orders. Only I can make the orders. You'll be punished later, then rewarded for keeping me on plan." 

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