Near Accident

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Chapter Nine: Near Accident

Ashley’s Point of View

Sarah's body tenses next to mine in the compact space of Jasmin's car. She's angled away from me, seeming to be trapped in her thoughts. I'd noticed a change ever since she'd gotten that phone call, her eyes distant as if in another world. I want to ask her what's wrong, but now is not the time. When we're alone in the large mall, I'll ask Jasmin, Madison, and Allyson to purposefully get seperated in the crowds, then I will try to figure out what's on her mind. 

In an effort to comfort her, I put my hand on her knee, squeezing it gently. Sarah turns herself in my direction, her frown transforming into a smile. My fingertips lightly brush her hand as I pull away, a jolt of electricity rushing through my skin. The contact leaves me breathless and in a daze, my heart racing as if I'd just ran a marathon. Sarah flinches away from my hand, seeming just as perplexed as me. 

Sarah returns her gaze to the darkened window, staring off into space once again. Had she felt what I had in that brief moment? I surely had, but could I have been imagining this feeling her touch gave to me? The moment had passed but my skin still tingled on my fingertips. I'd never received such a sensation from one's touch, everything else seems too rough while hers' is beyond pleasurable. 

The wheels of Jasmin's car screech as the tires burn rubber on the pavement from the sudden use of her brakes. My body flails against the restraints of the seatbelt, propelling me into Sarah's lap. Her arms wind around me protectively, the rich smell of her perfume filling my nostrils. The scent is intoxicating, it draws me towards her lips, the lips I've been yearning to mold with mine since the first moment I'd seen her in her driveway. As if reading my thoughts, Sarah's arms fall to her sides, releasing me from her affectionate hold. The withdrawal brings me back to my senses, all sounds returning to my ears, Jasmin's concerned voice overcoming everything else. 

"Are you guys okay??" She nearly screams. 

My reality returns and I realize I am positioned in Sarah's lap, although she's angled away from me, her face conflicted, of what I'm not exactly sure. In that moment she'd tried to protect me from harms way, but now she flinches away from my touch. I recoil back to my part of the back seat, pondering my thoughts, oblivious to Jasmin yelling at me. 

"Ashley? Can't you hear me?" Jasmin continually calls out. 

Sarah's hand reaches out for mine, compressing it to comfort me. "Ashley, you okay?" Sarah asks, her sincerity sounding in her gentle voice. 

Finally, I'm awakened from my stupor. "I'm fine, please don't worry." I answer to ease their anxiety. 

"I'm so sorry about that. Some idiot nearly sideswiped us." Jasmin sighs in both relief and annoyance. "Don't take the blame for someone else’s doing. It isn't your fault and we're all okay, just a little shocked." Sarah convinces, her voice serene and calming. 

Jasmin began driving once again, the ride quieter from the surprising incident. Sarah's eyes are trapped in an unending stare on the road in front of the car. In a way, I wish another abrupt stop or sharp turn would occur to force me into Sarah's lap again. Her strength made me feel so protected and warm, she's the only one I truly feel safe with, even though I haven't known her long. The sensation of her touch is beyond describable, it's inscribed permanently in every muscle of my body, even how her body perfectly connected with mine like two pieces of a puzzle. 

Sarah's violet eyes flicker over to mine for a mere second, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face until she looks away. As quick as her glance came, the faster it faded back to the road ahead. Maybe she hadn't even smiled, it could've just been my imagination playing tricks on me. Butterflies flutter through my stomach, a reaction only her smile creates. Now my mind refuses to stray from her lips, the elegant way they uplift when she's amused.  

Last night I'd dreamt of her, memorizing every single feature of her face, even if I'd only seen her once it was more than enough. It seems as if I've known her my whole life not only a single day. Why does my heart skip a beat when she gazes at me with a tiny smirk on her face? Two days ago I believed my heart was missing, having been ripped through my chest by a girl, a girl who's name I can't say out loud for the tears that follow. How had this sudden change occurred?  

Finally the car slowed to a stop, perfectly parking in a space close to the front doors of the gigantic, newly-built mall. We all nearly jumped out of the car as if it's going to explode at any second. Jasmin locked the doors of her pale red car, bringing up the rear of me, Sarah, Madison, and Allyson. Groups of teenagers formed around the revolving doors, filling the air with chatter and laughter. As we passed through, a few of them acknowledged us, some studied Sarah not recognizing her from around town. She received several stares from mostly guys, drool nearly coming from all of their mouths. I had the urge to go over to them and knock their teeth out for looking at her like that, as if she's just a piece of meat. 

Sarah's attention, however, was glued to a girl with dirty-blonde hair seated on a bench not too far from where we stand. Her feet are frozen in place, a glare overcoming her gentle violet eyes. The girl pays no attention to Sarah like she doesn't even grasp the intense attention she's receiving. Sarah turns and starts speed-walking towards the opposite direction, her quick pace has me running along to keep up, leaving behind my three best friends in the crowd. Sarah slows her pace, walking into a shop as I catch up, striding by her side.

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